uselagoon / remote-controller

A group of controllers for handling Lagoon builds and tasks in Kubernetes or Openshift
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Additional Harbor credential fixes #59

Closed shreddedbacon closed 3 years ago

shreddedbacon commented 3 years ago

closes #57 closes #58

Schnitzel commented 3 years ago

@shreddedbacon I built and pushed the image here: amazeeio/lagoon-builddeploy:pr59 unfortunately during testing I think I found an issue with the domains.

When I deleted the secret and let it recreate it created it with (no scheme), but r.Harbor.URL is with and so the matching doesn't work anymore and so no secret is injected into the build pod.

Maybe we need to do some url parsing and matching?

Schnitzel commented 3 years ago

oh actually I think I found the issue: the controller creates the .dockerconfigjson with but then during the lagoon deployment it updates the secret: which then stores it without the scheme.

Schnitzel commented 3 years ago

so I think changing the kubectl-build-deploy-dind image will be hard as we have different versions running. Could we instead check with and without the schema here: ?

Schnitzel commented 3 years ago

after some more testing I tried with while technically this works, there is now the issue that some lagoon-internal-registry-secret secrets have inside of them and then the deployments fail, as the controller does not see the harbor url matching and does not inject a secret at all. I think we still need to do the schema parsing as it's safer (also then it doesn't really matter if --harbor-url has a schema or not)

shreddedbacon commented 3 years ago

I forgot that the build image updates this secret too, that makes this annoying.

As the controller will try and create all the secrets with the --harbor-url flag version, but then the build is now updating this to be the hostname only.

Are image pull secrets smart enough to know if and are the same in terms of being able to pull images from? Say the build ran and tagged/pushed, and then the image secret gets updated to be as the URL.

If the robot credential rotation occurs, it will re-create the secret with as the URL now, will this break an image pull for this image then