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Base Url Installation Support / 二级目录安装支持 and my partial workaround #2129

Closed sulisu closed 10 months ago

sulisu commented 11 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?


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Please add suppport for base url when possible. So Memos can run from a base url such as:

Additional context

mode: prod version: 0.14.3

Run from windows binary directly.

Now ,I managed to make a partial workaround with Caddy2(replace plugin)

Web client works with some little problem, while 3rd party app can not login.

My reverse proxy config for memos

  redir /{Base Url}       /{Base Url}/       301

  route /{Base Url}/* {
    uri strip_prefix /{Base Url}
    replace {
      "/assets/" "/{Base Url}/assets/"
      "/api/" "/{Base Url}/api/"
      "\"assets/" "\"{Base Url}/assets/"
      "\"/auth" "\"/{Base Url}/auth"
      "\"/manifest.json" "\"/{Base Url}/manifest.json"
      "\"/logo.webp" "\"/{Base Url}/logo.webp"
      "o/r" "{Base Url}/o/r"
      "href=\"/\"" "href=\"/{Base Url}\""
      "register(\"/" "register(\"/{Base Url}/"
    reverse_proxy {memos server ip}:{port} {
      header_up X-Script-Name /{Base Url}
      header_up Accept-Encoding identity


URL scheme has changed a lot from 0.14.x, following is a working Caddfile config with replace plugin for 0.19.0. And it works with MoeMemos for Android 0.7.3:

  redir /{Base Url}       /{Base Url}/       301

  route /{BaseURL}/* {
    uri strip_prefix /{BaseURL}
    replace {
# request url https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/
      "href=\"/apple-touch-icon.png" "href=\"/{BaseURL}/apple-touch-icon.png"
      "href=\"/logo.webp" "href=\"/{BaseURL}/logo.webp"
      "href=\"/site.webmanifest" "href=\"/{BaseURL}/site.webmanifest"
      "=\"/assets/" "=\"/{BaseURL}/assets/"
# request url https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/site.webmanifest
      "src\": \"/android-chrome-" "src\": \"/{BaseURL}/android-chrome-"
# request url https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/assets/index-wLOWLptc.js
      "\"/logo.webp\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/logo.webp\""
      "\"/api/v1/" "\"/{BaseURL}/api/v1/"
      "`/api/v1/" "`/{BaseURL}/api/v1/"
      "\"/auth/\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/auth/\""
      "\"/auth/signup\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/auth/signup\""
      "},{path:\"/\",element:jsxRuntimeExports.jsx" "},{path:\"/{BaseURL}/\",element:jsxRuntimeExports.jsx"
      "\",fullName:\"memos.api.v2." "\",fullName:\"{BaseURL}/memos.api.v2."
      "\"/explore\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/explore\""
      "\"assets/" "\"{BaseURL}/assets/"
      "o/r" "{BaseURL}/o/r"
# request url https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/assets/useResponsiveWidth-MAgAVgyT.js
      "window.location.href=\"/auth\"" "window.location.href=\"/{BaseURL}/auth\""
      "home\",path:\"/\"" "home\",path:\"/{BaseURL}/\""
      "\"/timeline\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/timeline\""
      "\"/resources\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/resources\""
      "\"/explore\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/explore\""
      "`/u/${encodeURIComponent" "`/{BaseURL}/u/${encodeURIComponent"
      "\"/inbox\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/inbox\""
      "\"/archived\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/archived\""
      "\"/setting\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/setting\""
      "\"/auth\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/auth\""
      "\"/about\"" "\"/{BaseURL}/about\""
# request https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/assets/SignIn-q4V2JnxN.js
      "fetchCurrentUser(),v(\"/\")" "fetchCurrentUser(),v(\"/{BaseURL}/\")"
# request https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/assets/UserProfile-8qFLOjS-.js
      ",href:`/u/${t==null" ",href:`/{BaseURL}/u/${t==null"
# request https://{hostname:port}/{BaseURL}/assets/Resources-J16PVxLA.js
      "to:`/m/${" "to:`/{BaseURL}/m/${"
    reverse_proxy {serviceIP:port} {
      header_up X-Script-Name /{BaseURL}
      header_up Accept-Encoding identity
dianso commented 11 months ago

nginx 反向代理就行


Issues-translate-bot commented 11 months ago

Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.

nginx reverse proxy will do

I just reversed port 50000 to

sulisu commented 11 months ago

nginx 反向代理就行





Issues-translate-bot commented 11 months ago

Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.

nginx reverse proxy will do

I just reversed port 50000 to

Both nginx and memos are configured by default, so no special configuration is required?

Because I look at the http round-trip content, if the baseurl is not added to the response content replacement string on the reverse proxy, the further access requests returned are directly followed by the domain name followed by the path of memos itself, such as /assets, without baseurl. Because I have configured filtering on caddy2, not all access requests under the baseurl path are 401. If you do not configure the replacement, under the developer tools of chrome, you will see that after the first access with baseurl, the subsequent access requests do not have baseurl, and all of them are rejected by caddy2 with 401 response (returned by caddy2, not memos) of).

You can try, if the access policy is configured under nginx, only hostname:50000/memos path access is allowed, and all accesses such as hostname:50000/assets are denied, can it still be accessed normally.

dianso commented 11 months ago


Issues-translate-bot commented 11 months ago

Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.

I'll try it tonight, it's okay to use it, I don't use docker, just run the binary directly

bfahrenfort commented 10 months ago

Also unable to get memos working in a subdirectory like works just fine for now, but this requires another DNS record pointing to the IP of my server.

boojack commented 10 months ago works just fine for now

I recommend this as standard usage.

Issues-translate-bot commented 9 months ago

Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.

@boojack portainer does not have this problem and can work normally in sub-paths. You can refer to their solutions.