user-cont / conu

conu - python API for your containers
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six usage is redundant #390

Open pgajdos opened 1 year ago

pgajdos commented 1 year ago

As you declare that this package is 3.6+, could you please consider drop of dependency on six please?

lachmanfrantisek commented 1 year ago

Hi @pgajdos !

Yes, that's a good suggestion. This will also require a bit of code cleanup as well...

Do you think you can take a look at that and get rid of it?

I'll take a look otherwise...

pgajdos commented 1 year ago


This works with 'not (integration or test_get_port_mappings or selinux or ownership)' pytest run, detailed build log can be found here:

I am not 100% sure this is complete, though.


jpopelka commented 1 year ago

Nazdar :)

I could apply your patch, but it'd be better if you created a pull request with the change so that

pgajdos commented 1 year ago

I think it is clear I am unsure I can do an upstream class submission, but here you are. Sure we can discuss, but I do not aspire to be author of this change if not necessary ;).