user-none / KDocker

Dock most applications to the system tray
GNU General Public License v2.0
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KDocker icon never appears in tray when in KDE using "Run as different user" as root #30

Closed PhobosK closed 3 months ago

PhobosK commented 6 years ago

Till recently I used KDocker v. 4.8 where I started Krusader in root mode via KDE desktop config where "Run as different user: root" was used, i.e. the .desktop file

--- snip ---
Exec=kdocker -i /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/krusader_root.png krusader
GenericName=File Manager (KDocker)
--- snip ---

This worked perfectly well and KDocker was in the system tray...

Now I am on KDocker v. 5.1 and this stopped working... i.e. the KDocker icon never appears in tray, though works as a process in background started by root...

I do not know if this is a bug or an implementation or a QT limitation but if it can be fixed it will be great


System: Gentoo Linux 17 KDocker: 5.1 QT: 5.9.4 KDE Frameworks: 5.43.0