user234683 / youtube-local

browser-based client for watching Youtube anonymously and with greater page performance
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
504 stars 63 forks source link

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gevent' #111

Closed SlidingHorn closed 2 years ago

SlidingHorn commented 2 years ago

Edit 2: Somehow in my last update, several python modules were apparently removed, including gevent, flask, stem, defusedxml, and cachetools

I'm not sure how or why that happened, but installing one after the other using pacman after I would attempt to run youtube-local and it would tell me the next missing module.

TL;DR: This isn't a youtube-local problem. Closing the issue.

I'm suddenly unable to run youtube-local

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/downloads/youtube-local-2.7.1/", line 2, in <module>
    from gevent import monkey
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gevent'

I've tried re-downloading and running it, and I'm still getting this.

OS: Arch Linux Python Version: 3.10.1-1

Not sure what other info I can give you that would help here, but happy to expand if there's more that you need.

Edit: I'm assuming this has to do with updates I ran beforehand. Here is a list of the python packages that were updated and which versions from -> to:

python (3.9.9-1 -> 3.10.1-1)
python-apsw (3.36.0-1 -> 3.36.0-2)
python-soupsieve (2.2.1-2 -> 2.2.1-4)
python-beautifulsoup4 (4.9.3-4 -> 4.9.3-6)
python-cchardet (2.1.7-2 -> 2.1.7-4)
python-cssselect (1.1.0-7 -> 1.1.0-9)
python-css-parser (1.0.6-3 -> 1.0.6-5)
python-six (1.16.0-1 -> 1.16.0-5)
python-dateutil (2.8.2-2 -> 2.8.2-4)
python-dnspython (1:2.1.0-1 -> 1:2.1.0-3)
python-sgmllib3k (1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.0-4)
python-feedparser (6.0.1-2 -> 6.0.1-4)
python-appdirs (1.4.4-3 -> 1.4.4-6)
python-more-itertools (8.10.0-1 -> 8.10.0-4)
python-ordered-set (4.0.2-3 -> 4.0.2-6)
python-pyparsing (2.4.7-3 -> 2.4.7-6)
python-packaging (20.9-2 -> 20.9-7)
python-setuptools (1:57.4.0-2 -> 1:57.4.0-6)
python-html2text (2020.1.16-3 -> 2020.1.16-5)
python-chardet (4.0.0-3 -> 4.0.0-5)
python-lxml (4.6.4-1 -> 4.6.4-3)
python-html5-parser (0.4.10-1 -> 0.4.10-3)
python-jeepney (0.7.1-1 -> 0.7.1-3)
python-zipp (3.6.0-1 -> 3.6.0-3)
python-importlib-metadata (4.8.1-1 -> 4.8.1-3)
python-markdown (3.3.6-1 -> 3.3.6-3)
python-webencodings (0.5.1-7 -> 0.5.1-9)
python-html5lib (1.1-9 -> 1.1-11)
python-mechanize (1:0.4.6-1 -> 1:0.4.6-3)
python-msgpack (1.0.2-2 -> 1.0.3-1)
python-netifaces (0.11.0-1 -> 0.11.0-3)
python-unrardll (0.1.4-5 -> 0.1.4-7)
python-pillow (8.4.0-1 -> 8.4.0-3)
python-psutil (5.8.0-1 -> 5.8.0-4)
python-pycryptodomex (3.10.1-1 -> 3.10.1-3)
python-texttable (1.6.4-1 -> 1.6.4-3)
python-multivolumefile (0.2.3-1 -> 0.2.3-3)
python-pyppmd (0.17.1-1 -> 0.17.1-3)
python-pyzstd (0.15.0-1 -> 0.15.0-3)
python-ply (3.11-8 -> 3.11-10)
python-pycparser (2.21-1 -> 2.21-3)
python-cffi (1.15.0-1 -> 1.15.0-3)
python-brotlicffi ( ->
python-py7zr (0.16.2-1 -> 0.16.2-3)
python-pychm (0.8.6-4 -> 0.8.6-6)
python-pygments (2.10.0-1 -> 2.10.0-4)
python-pyqt5-sip (12.9.0-1 -> 12.9.0-3)
python-pyqt5 (5.15.6-2 -> 5.15.6-6)
python-pyqt5-webengine (5.15.5-1 -> 5.15.5-3)
python-regex (2021.11.10-1 -> 2021.11.10-3)
python-ifaddr (0.1.7-3 -> 0.1.7-5)
python-zeroconf (0.36.11-1 -> 0.36.13-1)
python-cairo (1.20.1-1 -> 1.20.1-3)
python-gobject (3.42.0-1 -> 3.42.0-3)
python-entrypoints (0.3-6 -> 0.3-8)
python-cryptography (35.0.0-1 -> 36.0.0-1)
python-secretstorage (3.3.1-1 -> 3.3.1-3)
python-keyring (23.0.1-1 -> 23.4.0-1)
python-idna (3.3-1 -> 3.3-3)
python-precis_i18n (1.0.3-2 -> 1.0.3-4)
python-nbxmpp (2.0.4-1 -> 2.0.4-3)
python-pyasn1 (0.4.8-5 -> 0.4.8-7)
python-pyopenssl (21.0.0-2 -> 21.0.0-5)
python-distro (1.6.0-2 -> 1.6.0-4)
libvirt-python (1:7.8.0-1 -> 1:7.8.0-3)
python-multidict (5.2.0-1 -> 5.2.0-3)
python-typing_extensions ( ->
python-async-timeout (4.0.1-2 -> 4.0.1-5)
python-yarl (1.7.2-1 -> 1.7.2-3)
python-attrs (21.2.0-1 -> 21.2.0-4)
python-charset-normalizer (2.0.4-1 -> 2.0.4-3)
python-aiosignal (1.2.0-1 -> 1.2.0-3)
python-frozenlist (1.2.0-1 -> 1.2.0-3)
python-aiohttp (3.8.1-2 -> 3.8.1-4)
python-argcomplete (1.12.1-1 -> 1.12.3-1)
python-protobuf (3.17.3-1 -> 3.17.3-3)
python-axolotl-curve25519 ( ->
python-axolotl (0.2.3-4 -> 0.2.3-5)
python-blinker (1.4-9 -> 1.4-11)
python-urllib3 (1.26.7-2 -> 1.26.7-5)
python-requests (2.26.0-2 -> 2.26.0-5)
python-cachecontrol (1:0.12.6-1 -> 1:0.12.6-4)
python-colorama (0.4.4-4 -> 0.4.4-6)
python-contextlib2 (0.6.0.post1-3 -> 0.6.0.post1-6)
python-distlib (0.3.3-2 -> 0.3.3-4)
python-docopt (0.6.2-9 -> 0.6.2-11)
python-isodate (0.6.0-7 -> 0.6.0-9)
python-natsort (8.0.0-1 -> 8.0.2-1)
python-tomli (1.2.2-2 -> 1.2.2-4)
python-pep517 (0.12.0-2 -> 0.12.0-4)
python-progress (1.6-2 -> 1.6-5)
python-retrying (1.3.3-10 -> 1.3.3-13)
python-resolvelib (0.5.5-2 -> 0.5.5-4)
python-toml (0.10.2-3 -> 0.10.2-7)
python-pip (20.3.4-2 -> 20.3.4-4)
python-pycountry (20.7.3-3 -> 20.7.3-5)
python-pycryptodome (3.11.0-1 -> 3.12.0-1)
python-pysocks (1.7.1-5 -> 1.7.1-7)
python-pyxdg (0.27-2 -> 0.27-4)
python-qrcode (7.3-5 -> 7.3-7)
python-termcolor (1.1.0-10 -> 1.1.0-12)
python-urwid (2.1.2-1 -> 2.1.2-3)
python-urwidtrees (1.0.3-6 -> 1.0.3-8)
python-websocket-client (0.59.0-1 -> 0.59.0-3)
python-xlib (0.31-1 -> 0.31-3)
python-zstandard (0.16.0-1 -> 0.16.0-3)