userfrosting / UserFrosting

Modern PHP user login and management framework
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Updating language files #360

Closed alexweissman closed 5 years ago

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

With the new version of UF and its new features, come new messages. Several users have graciously contributed translations of the messages to other languages, and I'd like to call on our community to help update the language files, if they'd be so kind.

UF currently has the following language files that need to be updated:

I'd also like to solicit translations to any other languages that don't yet have, including (but not limited to):

If you're interested and capable, let me know! For translators, the current English language file, en_US.php, should be considered the most up-to-date version at any given time (mainly because the primary developers are English speakers ;-) )

tyl3r commented 9 years ago

I can translate to Catalan language, let me know if you are interested.

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Sure, that would be awesome. Do you also speak Spanish? es_ES also needs updating ;-)

tyl3r commented 9 years ago

Yes, no problem, i can do both, i tell you something when i finish them

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much! Make sure to use en_US as the gold standard. So, there are currently message ids in en_US that are not defined in es_ES, but not vice versa. Thanks again!

Pe46dro commented 9 years ago

No problem tomorrow i will update IT

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

thank you kindly!

joey102 commented 9 years ago

Is there any way to quickly filter out which strings haven't yet been translated?

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:51 PM, Alex Weissman wrote:

thank you kindly!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

language files are nothing more than associative arrays. You can load them into a variable simply via: $message_ids_en = include("en_US.php");

So, you could load english into one array, spanish into another, and write a quick for loop that goes through the english array and prints out any message ids that aren't found in the spanish array (isset($message_ids_es[$id])).

tyl3r commented 9 years ago

updated es_ES

{{name}} - Dymamic markers which are replaced at run time by the relevant index.
$lang = array();
// Site Content
$lang = array_merge($lang, [
    "REGISTER_WELCOME" => "El registro es rápido y sencillo.",
    "MENU_USERS" => "Usuarios",
    "MENU_CONFIGURATION" => "Configuración",
    "MENU_SITE_SETTINGS" => "Configuración del Sitio",
    "MENU_GROUPS" => "Grupos",
    "HEADER_MESSAGE_ROOT" => "Has iniciado sesión como usuario root"
// Installer
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "INSTALLER_INCOMPLETE" => "No puedes registrar la cuenta maestra hasta que el instalador haya finalizado!",
    "MASTER_ACCOUNT_EXISTS" => "Ya existe una cuenta maestra!",
    "MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS" => "No puedes registrar ninguna cuenta hasta que la cuenta maestra haya sido creada!",
    "CONFIG_TOKEN_MISMATCH" => "El token de configuración no es correcto."
// Account
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME" => "Introduce tu nombre de usuario.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_DISPLAY_NAME" => "Introduce tu nombre público.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD" => "Introduce tu contraseña.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL" => "Introduce tu dirección de correo electrónico.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CAPTCHA" => "Introduce el código de la imagen (captcha).",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_LOCALE" => "Por favor, especifica una localización válida.",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL" => "Dirección de correo electrónico no válida",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME" => "Nombre de usuario no válido",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_ID" => "No existe el identificador de usuario solicitado.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico no válido.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_PASS_INVALID" => "Nombre de usuario o contraseña no válido.",
    "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" => "Tu cuenta ya está activada.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_DISABLED" => "Lo sentimos, el registro de cuentas ha sido deshabilitado.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_LOGOUT" => "No puedes registrar una cuenta nueva con tu sesión iniciada, para hacerlo debes desconectarte primero.",
    "ACCOUNT_INACTIVE" => "Tu cuenta está inactiva. Comprueba el correo electrónico que te hemos enviado para ver las instrucciones de activación.",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLED" => "Esta cuenta ha sido deshabilitada. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Tu nombre de usuario debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud.",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Tu nombre público debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASS_CHAR_LIMIT" => "La contraseña debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud.",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "El correo electrónico debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud.",
    "ACCOUNT_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Los títulos deben estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH" => "Tu contraseña y confirmación de contraseña deben coincidir",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "El nombre público sólo puede incluir caracteres alfanuméricos",
    "ACCOUNT_USERNAME_IN_USE" => "El usuario '{{user_name}}' ya existe",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE" => "El nombre público '{{display_name}}' ya existe",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE" => "El correo electrónico '{{email}}' ya está registrado",
    "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT" => "Ya ha sido enviado un enlace de activación a esta dirección de correo electrónico en los últimos {{resend_activation_threshold}} segundos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.",
    "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT" => "Te hemos enviado un nuevo enlace de activación, por favor revisa el correo electrónico",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD" => "Introduce Tu nueva contraseña",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Confirma tu nueva contraseña",
    "ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH" => "La nueva contraseña debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID" => "La contraseña actual no coincide con la que tenías",
    "ACCOUNT_DETAILS_UPDATED" => "Se han actualizado los detalles de la cuenta de '{{user_name}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_CREATION_COMPLETE" => "Se ha creado la cuenta de usuario '{{user_name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" => "Has activado tu cuenta correctamente. Ahora ya puedes iniciar sesión.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE1" => "Te has registrado con éxito. Ahora ya puedes iniciar sesión.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE2" => "Te has registrado con éxito. En breve recibirás el enlace de activación en tu correo electrónico. Recuerda que debes activar tu cuenta para poder iniciar sesión.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "No puedes actualizar con la misma contraseña",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_CURRENT" => "Confirma tu contraseña actual",
    "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_UPDATED" => "Preferencias de la cuenta actualizadas",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED" => "Contraseña de la cuenta actualizada",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED" => "Correo electrónico de la cuenta actualizado",
    "ACCOUNT_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" => "El token no existe / La cuenta ya está activada",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "El nombre de usuario sólo pueden incluir caracteres alfanuméricos",
    "ACCOUNT_DELETE_MASTER" => "No puedes eliminar la cuenta maestra!",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_MASTER" => "No puedes desactivar la cuenta maestra!",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "La cuenta del usuario '{{user_name}}' se ha desactivado con éxito.",
    "ACCOUNT_ENABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "La cuenta del usuario '{{user_name}}' se ha activado con éxito.",
    "ACCOUNT_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "La cuenta del usuario '{{user_name}}' se ha eliminado con éxito.",
    "ACCOUNT_MANUALLY_ACTIVATED" => "La cuenta del usuario '{{user_name}}' ha sido activada manualmente",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATED" => "El usuario {{user_name}} ha cambiado su nombre público a '{{display_name}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_TITLE_UPDATED" => "El usuario {{user_name}} ha cambiado su título a '{{title}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ADDED" => "Usuario añadido al grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_REMOVED" => "Usuario eliminado del grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_NOT_MEMBER" => "El usuario no es miembro del grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ALREADY_MEMBER" => "El usuario ya es miembro del grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_GROUP_SET" => "Grupo primario fijado correctamente para '{{user_name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_WELCOME" => "Bienvenid@ de nuevo, {{display_name}}"    
// Generic validation
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    "VALIDATE_REQUIRED" => "El campo '{{self}}' es obligatorio.",
    "VALIDATE_BOOLEAN" => "El valor para '{{self}}' debe ser '0' o '1'.",
    "VALIDATE_INTEGER" => "El valor para '{{self}}' debe ser un número entero.",
    "VALIDATE_ARRAY" => "El valor para '{{self}}' debe estar en un array."
// Configuration
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "CONFIG_PLUGIN_INVALID" => "Estás tratando de actualizar los ajustes del plugin '{{plugin}}', no existe ningún plugin con ese nombre.",
    "CONFIG_SETTING_INVALID" => "Estás tratando de actualizar el ajuste '{{name}}' del plugin '{{plugin}}', este ajuste no existe.",
    "CONFIG_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "El nombre del sitio debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "CONFIG_URL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "La dirección url del sitio debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "CONFIG_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "El correo electrónico del sitio debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "CONFIG_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "El nuevo título de usuario debe tener entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "La activación de correo electrónico debe ser `true` o `false`",
    "CONFIG_REGISTRATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "El registro de usuario debe ser `true` o `false`",
    "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_RESEND_RANGE" => "El umbral de activación debe estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} horas",
    "CONFIG_EMAIL_INVALID" => "El correo electrónico introducido no es válido",
    "CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL" => "La configuración del sitio se ha actualizado correctamente. Debes actualizar la página o navegar a una nueva para que los cambios tengan efecto",
    "MINIFICATION_SUCCESS" => "Los archivos CSS/JS se han reducido y concadenado para todos los grupos de páginas."
// Forgot Password
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN" => "El token de activación no es válido",
    "FORGOTPASS_OLD_TOKEN" => "El token ha caducado",
    "FORGOTPASS_COULD_NOT_UPDATE" => "No se pudo actualizar la contraseña",
    "FORGOTPASS_NEW_PASS_EMAIL" => "Te hemos enviado una nueva contraseña por correo electrónico",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED" => "Solicitud de contraseña perdida cancelada",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_EXISTS" => "Ya existe una solicitud de contraseña perdida en esta cuenta",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" => "Te hemos enviado un correo electrónico con las instrucciones para recuperar el acceso a tu cuenta"
// Mail
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "MAIL_ERROR" => "Error fatal relacionado con el correo. Por favor, contacta con el administrador del servidor",
// Miscellaneous
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "PASSWORD_HASH_FAILED" => "El hashing de la contraseña ha fallado. Por favor, contacta con el administrador del sitio.",
    "NO_DATA" => "No hay datos/Datos incorrectos enviados",
    "CAPTCHA_FAIL" => "Error en la pregunta de seguridad",
    "CONFIRM" => "Confirmar",
    "DENY" => "Denegar",
    "SUCCESS" => "Éxito",
    "ERROR" => "Error",
    "SERVER_ERROR" => "Ups, parece que nuestro servidor ha metido la pata. Si eres administrador revisa el log de errores de PHP.",
    "NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "No hay nada que actualizar",
    "SQL_ERROR" => "Error fatal de SQL",
    "FEATURE_DISABLED" => "Esta característica se encuentra actualmente deshabilitada",
    "ACCESS_DENIED" => "Mmm, parece que no tienes permiso para hacer esto.",
    "LOGIN_REQUIRED" => "Lo siento, debes iniciar sesión para acceder a este recurso.",
    "LOGIN_ALREADY_COMPLETE" => "Ya has iniciado sesión!"
// Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "GROUP_INVALID_ID" => "El id de grupo solicitado no existe",
    "GROUP_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Los nombres de grupo deben estar entre {{min}} y {{max}} caracteres de longitud",
    "GROUP_NAME_IN_USE" => "El nombre de grupo '{{name}}' ya está en uso",
    "GROUP_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "El grupo '{{name}}' se ha eliminado correctamente",
    "GROUP_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL" => "El grupo '{{name}}' se ha creado correctamente",
    "GROUP_UPDATE" => "Los detalles del grupo '{{name}}' se han actualizado correctamente.",
    "CANNOT_DELETE_GROUP" => "El grupo '{{name}}' no puede eliminarse",
    "GROUP_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_PRIMARY" => "El grupo '{{name}}' no puede eliminarse por que esta asignado como grupo primario para los nuevos usuarios. Para eliminarlo primero debes establecer otro grupo primario como predefinido."
return $lang;
alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks! I will add this to the next push.

Pe46dro commented 9 years ago Updated

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Thanks kindly! I will add to the next push.

Endroe commented 9 years ago

I'll do dutch :D

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Sweet, thanks!

riotbr commented 9 years ago

I can (and I will) translate to Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR). Just let me know if you are interested ;)

riotbr commented 9 years ago

@alexweissman , translated pt_BR:

$lang = array();
// Site Content
$lang = array_merge($lang, [
    "REGISTER_WELCOME" => "O registro é rápido e simples.",
    "MENU_USERS" => "Usuários",
    "MENU_CONFIGURATION" => "Configuração",
    "MENU_SITE_SETTINGS" => "Definições do site",
    "MENU_GROUPS" => "Grupos",
// Installer
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "INSTALLER_INCOMPLETE" => "Você não pode registrar a conta root até que o instalador tenha concluído com êxito!",
    "MASTER_ACCOUNT_EXISTS" => "A conta master já existe!",
    "MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS" => "Você não pode registrar uma conta até que a conta master tenha sido criada!",
    "CONFIG_TOKEN_MISMATCH" => "Desculpe, este token de configuração não está correto."
// Account
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME" => "Digite o seu nome.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_DISPLAY_NAME" => "Digite o seu nome de exibição.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD" => "Digite a sua senha.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL" => "Digite o seu e-mail.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CAPTCHA" => "Digite o código captcha.",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_LOCALE" => "Favor especificar uma localidade válida.",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL" => "E-mail inválido",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME" => "Nome de usuário inválido",
    "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_ID" => "O id do usuário solicitado não existe.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Nome de usuário ou e-mail inválido.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_PASS_INVALID" => "Nome de usuário ou senha inválido.",
    "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" => "A sua conta já está ativada.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_DISABLED" => "Lamentamos, mas o registro de conta foi desativado.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_LOGOUT" => "Lamento, mas você não pode registrar uma nova conta enquanto estiver conectado. Por favor, desconecte-se antes.",
    "ACCOUNT_INACTIVE" => "Sua conta está inativa. Confira em suas mensagens/sua caixa de spam as instruções de ativação de conta.",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLED" => "Sua conta foi desabilitada. Por favor, contate-nos para mais informações.",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Seu nome de usuário precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho.",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Seu nome de exibição precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASS_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Sua senha precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho.",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Seu e-mail precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho.",
    "ACCOUNT_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Títulos precisam conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH" => "Sua senha e a confirmação de senha precisam coincidir",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "O nome de exibição pode incluir caracteres alfanuméricos apenas",
    "ACCOUNT_USERNAME_IN_USE" => "O nome de usuário '{{user_name}}' já está em uso",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE" => "O nome de exibição '{{display_name}}' já está em uso",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE" => "O e-mail '{{email}}' já está em uso",
    "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT" => "Uma mensagem de confirmação já foi enviada para este e-mail no(s) último(s) {{resend_activation_threshold}} segundo(s). Por favor, tente mais tarde.",
    "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT" => "Nós enviamos para você um novo link de ativação. Por favor, confira as suas mensagens",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD" => "Por favor, entre a sua nova senha",
    "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Por favor, confirme a sua nova senha",
    "ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH" => "A nova senha precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID" => "A senha atual não coincide com a que temos em nosso registro",
    "ACCOUNT_DETAILS_UPDATED" => "Detalhes de conta atualizados para o usuário '{{user_name}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_CREATION_COMPLETE" => "A conta para o novo usuário '{{user_name}}' foi criada.",
    "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" => "Você ativou com sucesso a sua conta. Você pode conectar-se agora.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE1" => "Você foi registrado com sucesso. Você pode conectar-se agora.",
    "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE2" => "Você foi registrado com sucesso. Você receberá em breve uma mensagem de ativação. Você precisa ativar a sua conta antes de conectar-se.",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Você não pode atualizar com a mesma senha",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_CURRENT" => "Por favor, confirme a sua senha atual",
    "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_UPDATED" => "Definições de conta atualizadas",
    "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED" => "Senha de conta atualizada",
    "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED" => "E-mail de conta atualizado",
    "ACCOUNT_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" => "Token não existe / A conta encontra-se ativada",
    "ACCOUNT_USER_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "O nome de usuário pode conter caracteres alfanuméricos apenas",
    "ACCOUNT_DELETE_MASTER" => "Você não pode apagar a conta master!",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_MASTER" => "Você não pode desabilitar a conta master!",
    "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "A conta do usuário '{{user_name}}' foi desabilitada com sucesso.",
    "ACCOUNT_ENABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "A conta do usuário '{{user_name}}' foi habilitada com sucesso.",
    "ACCOUNT_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "O usuário '{{user_name}}' foi apagado com sucesso.",
    "ACCOUNT_MANUALLY_ACTIVATED" => "A conta de {{user_name}} foi manualmente ativada",
    "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATED" => "O nome de exibição de {{user_name}} mudou para '{{display_name}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_TITLE_UPDATED" => "O título de {{user_name}} mudou para '{{title}}'",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ADDED" => "Usuário adicionado ao grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_REMOVED" => "Usuário removido do grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_NOT_MEMBER" => "O usuário não é membro do grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ALREADY_MEMBER" => "O usuário já é membro do grupo '{{name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_GROUP_SET" => "Grupo primário definido com sucesso para '{{user_name}}'.",
    "ACCOUNT_WELCOME" => "Bom retorno, {{display_name}}"
// Generic validation
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    "VALIDATE_REQUIRED" => "O campo '{{self}}' precisa ser especificado.",
    "VALIDATE_BOOLEAN" => "O valor para '{{self}}' precisa ser '0' ou '1'.",
    "VALIDATE_INTEGER" => "O valor para '{{self}}' precisa ser íntegro.",
    "VALIDATE_ARRAY" => "Os valores para '{{self}}' precisam estar em um array."
// Configuration
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "CONFIG_PLUGIN_INVALID" => "Você está tentando atualizar as definições do plugin '{{plugin}}', mas não há um plugin com este nome.",
    "CONFIG_SETTING_INVALID" => "Voce está tentando atualizar a definição '{{name}}' para o plugin '{{plugin}}', mas não existe.",
    "CONFIG_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "O nome do site precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "CONFIG_URL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "A url do site precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "CONFIG_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "O e-mail do site precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "CONFIG_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "O novo título do usuário precisa conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "O e-mail de ativação precisa ser `true` (verdadeiro) ou `false` (falso)",
    "CONFIG_REGISTRATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "O registrod e usuário precisa ser `true` (verdadeiro) ou `false` (falso)",
    "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_RESEND_RANGE" => "O limite de ativação precisa estar entre {{min}} e {{max}} horas",
    "CONFIG_EMAIL_INVALID" => "O e-mail informado não é válido",
    "CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL" => "A configuração do seu site foi atualizada. Pode ser necessário carregar uma nova página para que todas as definições tenham efeito",
    "MINIFICATION_SUCCESS" => "CSS e JS minifocados e concatenados com sucesso para todos grupos de páginas."
// Forgot Password
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN" => "Seu token se ativação não é válido",
    "FORGOTPASS_OLD_TOKEN" => "Passou o tempo de expiração do token",
    "FORGOTPASS_COULD_NOT_UPDATE" => "Não pode atualizar a senha",
    "FORGOTPASS_NEW_PASS_EMAIL" => "Enviamos uma nova senha por e-mail para você",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED" => "A requisição de senha perdida foi cancelada",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_EXISTS" => "Já existe uma solicitação de senha perdida pendente para esta conta",
    "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" => "Enviamos uma mensagem para você explicando como retomar o acesso à sua conta"
// Mail
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "MAIL_ERROR" => "Erro fatal tentando enviar mensagem. Contate o seu administrador de servidor",
// Miscellaneous
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "PASSWORD_HASH_FAILED" => "O hash de senha falhou. Por favor, contate o administrador do site.",
    "NO_DATA" => "Sem dados/dados falhos enviados",
    "CAPTCHA_FAIL" => "Questão de segurança falha",
    "CONFIRM" => "Confirmar",
    "DENY" => "Negar",
    "SUCCESS" => "Successo",
    "ERROR" => "Erro",
    "SERVER_ERROR" => "Ôpa, parece que seu servidor pode ter cometido um erro. Se você é um administrador, por favor, confira os logs de erro do PHP.",
    "NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Nada para atualizar",
    "SQL_ERROR" => "Erro fatal de SQL",
    "FEATURE_DISABLED" => "Este atributo está desabilitado",
    "ACCESS_DENIED" => "Hmm, parece que você não tem permissões para fazer isso.",
    "LOGIN_REQUIRED" => "Desculpe, mas você precisa estar conectado para acessar este recurso.",
    "LOGIN_ALREADY_COMPLETE" => "Você já está conectado!"
// Permissions
$lang = array_merge($lang,array(
    "GROUP_INVALID_ID" => "O id de grupo solicitado não existe",
    "GROUP_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Nomes de grupos precisam conter entre {{min}} e {{max}} caracteres de tamanho",
    "GROUP_NAME_IN_USE" => "O nome de grupo '{{name}}' já está em uso",
    "GROUP_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "O grupo '{{name}}' foi apagado com sucesso",
    "GROUP_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL" => "O grupo '{{name}}' foi criado com sucesso",
    "GROUP_UPDATE" => "Os detalhes do grupo '{{name}}' foram atualizados com sucesso.",
    "CANNOT_DELETE_GROUP" => "O grupo '{{name}}' não pode ser apagado",
    "GROUP_CANNOT_DELETE_DEFAULT_PRIMARY" => "O grupo '{{name}}' não pode ser apagado pois está definido como grupo primário padrão para novos usuários. Por favor, selecione antes um grupo primário padrão diferente."
return $lang;
alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Whoa, this is great! I should have known @riotbr was a Brazilian thing ;-) I added it to the repo.

riotbr commented 9 years ago

It's cool to help in something, @alexweissman

Just to be clear, and helping a little more, you missed a letter (u): it's "Portuguese".

Other thing: the Brazilian Portuguese, in some kind, it's different of the Portuguese from Portugal. That's why we find two language files in some systems, pt_PT and pt_BR.

Feel free to contact me ;)

alexweissman commented 9 years ago

Cool, I'll fix it. And yes I know, I have a crazy Brazilian labmate ;-)

riotbr commented 9 years ago

Hi, @alexweissman . A little correction (my mistake):

"MINIFICATION_SUCCESS" => "CSS e JS minificados e concatenados com sucesso para todos grupos de páginas."

alexweissman commented 9 years ago


Endroe commented 8 years ago




/ {{name}} - Dymamic markers which are replaced at run time by the relevant index. /

$lang = array();

// Installer $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "INSTALLER_INCOMPLETE" => "Je kan geen master account aanmaken tot de installatie afgerond is.", "MASTER_ACCOUNT_EXISTS" => "Er is al een master account aangemaakt.", "MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS" => "Je kan nog geen account aanmaken tot er een master account is.", "CONFIG_TOKEN_MISMATCH" => "Sorry, je configuratie token is niet geldig." ));

// Account $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME" => "Voer je gebruikersnaam in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD" => "Voer je wachtwoord in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL" => "Voer je emailadres in", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL" => "Ongeldig emailadres", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_ID" => "De opgevraagde gebruikers id bestaat niet.", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Gebruikersnaam of emailadres is niet correct", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_PASS_INVALID" => "Gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord is niet correct", "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" => "Je account is al geactiveerd", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_DISABLED" => "Het registreren van nieuwe accounts is op dit moment uitgeschakeld.", "ACCOUNT_INACTIVE" => "Je account is niet actief. Controleer je email / spam map voor de activatie instructies.", "ACCOUNT_DISABLED" => "Deze account is gedeactiveerd. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.", "ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je gebruikersnaam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je weergegeven naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASS_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je wachtwoord moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Titels moeten tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH" => "Je wachwoord komt niet overeen.", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "De weergegeven naam kan enkel alpha-numeric karakters bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_USERNAME_IN_USE" => "De volgende gebruikersnaam is al in gebruik: '{{user_name}}'", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE" => "naam '{{display_name}}' is al in gebruik.", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE" => "Email '{{email}}' is al in gebruik.", "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT" => "Een activatie email is al verzonden naar dit emailadres in de afgelopen {{resend_activation_threshold}} uur.", "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT" => "We hebben je een nieuwe activatie emailverzonden. Controleer je email.", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD" => "Voer een nieuw wachtwoord in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Bevestig het nieuwe wachtwoord", "ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH" => "Nieuwe wachwoord moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID" => "Het wachtwoord komt niet overeen met het wachtwoord dat bij ons bekend staat.", "ACCOUNT_DETAILS_UPDATED" => "Account details zijn bijgewerkt.", "ACCOUNT_CREATION_COMPLETE" => "Account voor nieuwe gebruiker '{{user_name}}' is met succes aangemaakt.", "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" => "Je hebt met succes je account geactiveerd. Je kan nu inloggen.", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE1" => "Je hebt met succes je account geregistreerd. Je kan nu inloggen.", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE2" => "Je hebt met succes je account geregistreerd. Je ontvangt spoedig een activeringsemail. Je account moet eerst geactiveerd worden voordat je kan inloggen.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Je kan je account niet aanpassen naar hetzelfde wachtwoord.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED" => "Account wachtwoord is aangepast", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED" => "Account email aangepast", "ACCOUNT_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" => "Token bestaat niet / Account is al actief", "ACCOUNT_USER_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "Gebruikersnaam kan enkel alfanumerieke karakters bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_DELETE_MASTER" => "Je kan de master account niet verwijderen!", "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_MASTER" => "Je kan de master account niet uitzetten!", "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Account is met succes uitgezet.", "ACCOUNT_ENABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Account is met succes aangezet.", "ACCOUNT_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Je hebt met succes gebruiker '{{user_name}}' verwijderd", "ACCOUNT_MANUALLY_ACTIVATED" => "{{user_name}}'s account is handmatig geactiveerd", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATED" => "Weergegeven naam aangepast naar '{{display_name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_UPDATED" => "{{user_name}}'s titel is aangepast naar '{{title}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ADDED" => "Gebruiker toegevoegd aan de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_REMOVED" => "Gebruiker is verwijderd van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_NOT_MEMBER" => "Gebruiker is niet een lid van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ALREADY_MEMBER" => "Gebruiker is al een lid van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME" => "Ongeldig gebruikersnaam", "ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_GROUP_SET" => "De primaire groep van de gebruiker is met succes ingesteld." ));

// Configuration $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "CONFIG_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_URL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site url moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site email moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Nieuwe gebruikerstitel moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "Email activeren moet true of false zijn", "CONFIG_REGISTRATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "Gebruikersregistratie moet true of false zijn", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_RESEND_RANGE" => "Tijdslimiet op activatie moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} uur zijn", "CONFIG_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Het ingevulde emailadres is niet geldig", "CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Je site configuratie is met succes aangepast. Vergeet niet de pagina te herladen om de wijzigingen te zijn." ));

// Forgot Password $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN" => "Je activeringstoken is niet meer geldig", "FORGOTPASS_OLD_TOKEN" => "Token is verlopen", "FORGOTPASS_COULD_NOT_UPDATE" => "Kon wachtwoord niet updaten", "FORGOTPASS_NEW_PASS_EMAIL" => "We hebben je een nieuw wachtwoord opgestuurd per email", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED" => "Wachtwoordverzoek geannuleerd", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_EXISTS" => "Er loopt al een wachtwoordverzoek voor dit account", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" => "We hebben instructies toegestuurd om toegang tot je account terug te krijgen" ));

// Mail $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "MAIL_ERROR" => "Fatal fout bij het versturen van email. Neem contact op met de server administrator.", ));

// Miscellaneous $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "PASSWORD_HASH_FAILED" => "Wachtwoord hashing mislukt. Neem contact op met de website administrator.", "NO_DATA" => "Geen of ongeldige data verzonden.", "CAPTCHA_FAIL" => "Beveiligingsvraag mislukt.", "CONFIRM" => "Bevestig", "DENY" => "Annuleer", "SUCCESS" => "Succes", "ERROR" => "Fout", "NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Niets te updaten", "SQL_ERROR" => "Fatale SQL fout", "FEATURE_DISABLED" => "Deze functie is uitgeschakeld.", "ACCESS_DENIED" => "Hmm, het lijtk erop dat je geen toestemming hebt om deze pagina te bekijken.", "LOGIN_REQUIRED" => "Sorry, je moet ingelogt zijn om deze pagina te kunnen zien." ));

// Permissions $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "GROUP_INVALID_ID" => "De opgevraagde groep id doet het niet", "GROUP_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Groep naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "GROUP_NAME_IN_USE" => "Groep naam '{{name}}' wordt al gebruikt", "GROUP_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Met succes groep '{{name}}' verwijderd", "GROUP_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Met succes groep '{{name}}' aangemaakt", "GROUP_UPDATE" => "Groep '{{name}}' met succes geupdate.", "CANNOT_DELETE_GROUP" => "Je kan niet de groep '{{name}}' verwijderen" ));

return $lang;




/ {{name}} - Dymamic markers which are replaced at run time by the relevant index. /

$lang = array();

// Installer $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "INSTALLER_INCOMPLETE" => "Je kan geen master account aanmaken tot dat de installatie afgerond is.", "MASTER_ACCOUNT_EXISTS" => "Er is al een master account aangemaakt.", "MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS" => "Je kan geen account aanmaken tot er een master account is.", "CONFIG_TOKEN_MISMATCH" => "Sorry, je configuratie token is niet geldig." ));

// Account $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME" => "Voer je gebruikersnaam in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD" => "Voer je wachtwoord in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL" => "Voer je emailadres in", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL" => "Ongeldig emailadres", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_ID" => "De opgevraagde id bestaat niet.", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Gebruikersnaam of emailadres niet correct", "ACCOUNT_USER_OR_PASS_INVALID" => "Gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord niet correct", "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" => "Je account is al geactiveerd", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_DISABLED" => "Het registreren van nieuwe accounts is op dit moment uitgeschakeld.", "ACCOUNT_INACTIVE" => "Je account is niet actief. Controleer je email / spam voor de activatie instructies.", "ACCOUNT_DISABLED" => "Deze account is gedeactiveerd. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.", "ACCOUNT_USER_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je gebruikersnaam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens zijn.", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je weergegeven naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASS_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Je wachtwoord moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Titels moeten tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASS_MISMATCH" => "Je wachtwoord komt niet overeen.", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAY_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "De weergegeven naam kan enkel alpha-numeric karakters bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_USERNAME_IN_USE" => "De gebruikersnaam '{{user_name}}' is al in gebruik", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE" => "De weergegeven naam '{{display_name}}' is al in gebruik.", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_IN_USE" => "De email '{{email}}' is al in gebruik.", "ACCOUNT_LINK_ALREADY_SENT" => "Een activatie email is al verzonden naar dit emailadres in de afgelopen {{resend_activation_threshold}} seconden. Heb alstublieft geduld.", "ACCOUNT_NEW_ACTIVATION_SENT" => "We hebben je een nieuwe activatie email verzonden. Controleer je email.", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_NEW_PASSWORD" => "Voer een nieuw wachtwoord in", "ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" => "Bevestig het nieuwe wachtwoord", "ACCOUNT_NEW_PASSWORD_LENGTH" => "Nieuwe wachtwoord moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_INVALID" => "Het wachtwoord komt niet overeen met het wachtwoord dat bij ons bekend staat.", "ACCOUNT_DETAILS_UPDATED" => "Account details bijgewerkt.", "ACCOUNT_CREATION_COMPLETE" => "Account voor nieuwe gebruiker '{{user_name}}' is met succes aangemaakt.", "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_COMPLETE" => "Je hebt je account geactiveerd. Je kan nu inloggen!", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE1" => "Je hebt met succes je account geregistreerd. Je kan nu inloggen.", "ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_TYPE2" => "Je hebt met succes je account geregistreerd. Je ontvangt nu een activeringsmail. Je account moet geactiveerd worden voordat je kan inloggen.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Je kan je account niet aanpassen naar hetzelfde wachtwoord.", "ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_UPDATED" => "Wachtwoord aangepast.", "ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UPDATED" => "Account email aangepast.", "ACCOUNT_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" => "Token bestaat niet / Account is al actief.", "ACCOUNT_USER_INVALID_CHARACTERS" => "Gebruikersnaam kan alleen alfanumerieke karakters bevatten.", "ACCOUNT_DELETE_MASTER" => "Je kan de master account niet verwijderen!", "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_MASTER" => "Je kan de master account niet uitzetten!", "ACCOUNT_DISABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Account is met succes uitgezet.", "ACCOUNT_ENABLE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Account is met succes aangezet.", "ACCOUNT_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Gebruiker '{{user_name}}' verwijderd", "ACCOUNT_MANUALLY_ACTIVATED" => "{{user_name}}'s account handmatig geactiveerd", "ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATED" => "Weergegeven naam aangepast naar '{{display_name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_TITLE_UPDATED" => "{{user_name}}'s titel is aangepast naar '{{title}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ADDED" => "Gebruiker toegevoegd aan de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_REMOVED" => "Gebruiker verwijderd van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_NOT_MEMBER" => "Gebruiker is geen lid van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_GROUP_ALREADY_MEMBER" => "Gebruiker is al een lid van de groep '{{name}}'.", "ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME" => "Ongeldig gebruikersnaam", "ACCOUNT_PRIMARY_GROUP_SET" => "De primaire groep van de gebruiker is met succes ingesteld." ));

// Configuration $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "CONFIG_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_URL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site url moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_EMAIL_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Site email moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_TITLE_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Nieuwe gebruikerstitel moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "Email activeren moet true of false zijn", "CONFIG_REGISTRATION_TRUE_FALSE" => "Gebruikersregistratie moet true of false zijn", "CONFIG_ACTIVATION_RESEND_RANGE" => "Tijdslimiet op activatie moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} uur zijn", "CONFIG_EMAIL_INVALID" => "Het ingevulde emailadres is niet geldig", "CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL" => "Je site configuratie is met succes aangepast. Vergeet niet de pagina te herladen om de wijzigingen te zijn." ));

// Forgot Password $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN" => "Je activeringstoken is niet meer geldig.", "FORGOTPASS_OLD_TOKEN" => "Token is verlopen.", "FORGOTPASS_COULD_NOT_UPDATE" => "Kon wachtwoord niet updaten.", "FORGOTPASS_NEW_PASS_EMAIL" => "We hebben je een nieuw wachtwoord opgestuurd per email.", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED" => "Wachtwoordverzoek geannuleerd.", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_EXISTS" => "Er loopt al een wachtwoordverzoek voor dit account.", "FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" => "We hebben instructies toegestuurd om toegang tot je account terug te krijgen." ));

// Mail $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "MAIL_ERROR" => "Fatale fout bij het versturen van email. Neem contact op met de server administrator.", ));

// Miscellaneous $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "PASSWORD_HASH_FAILED" => "Encryptie wachtwoord mislukt. Neem contact op met de website administrator.", "NO_DATA" => "Geen of ongeldige data verzonden.", "CAPTCHA_FAIL" => "CAPTCHA mislukt.", "CONFIRM" => "Bevestig", "DENY" => "Annuleer", "SUCCESS" => "Succes", "ERROR" => "Fout", "NOTHING_TO_UPDATE" => "Niets te updaten", "SQL_ERROR" => "Fatale SQL fout", "FEATURE_DISABLED" => "Deze functie is uitgeschakeld.", "ACCESS_DENIED" => "Hmm, het lijkt erop dat je geen toestemming hebt om deze pagina te bekijken.", "LOGIN_REQUIRED" => "Sorry, je moet ingelogd zijn om de pagina te kunnen zien." ));

// Permissions $lang = array_merge($lang,array( "GROUP_INVALID_ID" => "De opgevraagde groep id doet het niet", "GROUP_CHAR_LIMIT" => "Groep naam moet tussen de {{min}} en {{max}} tekens bevatten.", "GROUP_NAME_IN_USE" => "Groep naam '{{name}}' wordt al gebruikt", "GROUP_DELETION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Met succes groep '{{name}}' verwijderd", "GROUP_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL" => "Met succes groep '{{name}}' aangemaakt", "GROUP_UPDATE" => "Groep '{{name}}' met succes geupdate.", "CANNOT_DELETE_GROUP" => "Je kan de groep '{{name}}' niet verwijderen" ));

return $lang;

Endroe commented 8 years ago

Sorry for spam :/

alexweissman commented 8 years ago

@Editandrew, could you fork and do a pull request?

Endroe commented 8 years ago

@alexweissman Here:

Endroe commented 8 years ago

Hey, just wondering, but why so we have translations for the homepage? Only users with accounts can choose a language, but they can't view the homepage.

alexweissman commented 8 years ago

So, there is a "default language" setting in Site Settings, which is used when no other language information is available (for example, unauthenticated users). But you are right, we don't yet have any translations for the content of the "public" pages.

Netrilix commented 8 years ago

For convenience, there's a reference guide of messages missing here

alexweissman commented 7 years ago

We're going to need a new set of translations for v4 - anyone up to help?

lcharette commented 7 years ago

I'm on fr_CA;)

popiazaza commented 7 years ago

I'm ready for Thai translation ;)

alexweissman commented 7 years ago

Ah yes, Californian French.

Thanks @popiazaza. Next time you get a chance, drop in to chat and I can walk you through the new Sprinkle design.

emrecaga commented 7 years ago

I can take Turkish

alexweissman commented 7 years ago

UF4 alpha is out! We still need updated translations for:

Would also be great if we could get translations for:

See for information about the new i18n translation component. Also, we're looking into internationalizing the docs as well - let us know if you'd be interested!

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.