usernein / tv-card

📺 TV Remote Card (with touchpad and haptic feedback)
Apache License 2.0
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0.5.0 - any app button turns off the TV #10

Open Stooovie opened 2 years ago

Stooovie commented 2 years ago

Release with the issue: 0.5.0

Last working release (if known): 0.4.2

Browser and Operating System: Any browser or HA app

Description of problem: Tapping any app button in this addon causes the TV to turn off

TV should launch the respective app

Javascript errors shown in the web inspector (if applicable):

Additional information: Fine after downgrading to 0.4.2. My TV is a 2018 Samsung NU8000

usernein commented 2 years ago

Any button? Even the native ones? Or only with custom buttons for apps?

usernein commented 2 years ago

Can you share the config you are using, so i can try to replicate it here? It happened to me only once, randomly

tretabyte commented 2 years ago


it's happening with any app button, custom or default (netflix and youtube also shuts down the TV). config you mean the card? this is what I have atm:

entity: media_player.samsungqn900a65
title: Samsung QN900A65 (Sala)
  - power
  - channel_up
  - info
  - channel_down
  - netflix
  - youtube
  - hbomax
  - plex
    icon: hbo
    source: HBO Max
    icon: plex
    source: Plex
  hbo: >-
    M7.042 16.896H4.414v-3.754H2.708v3.754H.01L0
    7.22h2.708v3.6h1.706v-3.6h2.628zm12.043.046C21.795 16.94 24 14.689 24
    11.978a4.89 4.89 0 0 0-4.915-4.92c-2.707-.002-4.09 1.991-4.432
    2.795.003-1.207-1.187-2.632-2.58-2.634H7.59v9.674l4.181.001c1.686 0
    2.886-1.46 2.888-2.713.385.788 1.72 2.762 4.427 2.76zm-7.665-3.936c.387 0
    .692.382.692.817 0 .435-.305.817-.692.817h-1.33v-1.634zm.005-3.633c.387 0
    .692.382.692.817 0 .436-.305.818-.692.818h-1.33V9.373zm1.77
    2.607c.305-.039.813-.387.992-.61-.063.276-.068 1.074.006
    1.35-.204-.314-.688-.701-.998-.74zm3.43 0a2.462 2.462 0 1 1 4.924 0 2.462
    2.462 0 0 1-4.925 0zm2.462 1.936a1.936 1.936 0 1 0 0-3.872 1.936 1.936 0 0 0
    0 3.872Z
  plex: M11.643 0H4.68l7.679 12L4.68 24h6.963l7.677-12-7.677-12
volume_row: buttons
navigation_row: buttons
  - return
  - home
  - source
  - rewind
  - play
  - pause
  - fast_forward
usernein commented 2 years ago

I think i got it. How do you usually turn on the TV? Is it using tv-card?

I managed to reproduce the issue here by turning on the TV using the physical button then immediately trying to use an app button. The tv turned off and these lines were logged:

Captura de Tela 2022-07-12 às 19 21 56

My theory is that it turns off when we immediately try to change the source before the connection with the tv is stablished (for me it takes about 30 seconds)

If i'm right, it has nothing to do with tv-card, but with this the samsung integration we use. But also if i'm right, i don't know why it started to happen at v0.5.0 (is it possible that it always happened and we didn't notice before and coincidentally made the tests pass at v0.4.2 all this time?)

I'll keep testing and trying to figure it out

usernein commented 2 years ago

The big mistery is because i didn't touch even near the core of changing sources in v0.5.0

tretabyte commented 2 years ago

what I noticed yesterday was that while the TV was completely off, hitting the On button on the card wasn't doing much but as soon I hit the Netlflix button it imedially turned the TV on, hitting it again turned it Off is there anything extra I could do from my side to help you out on this?

usernein commented 2 years ago

The delay on turning on is because the samsung integration takes some time to establish the connection and to ensure it's really turned on

Using tv-card's default power key, you may click it like 3 times with some interval, until you get it That's why i gave up with it (i can't do much to help on tv-card) and started using the physical button or a tuya smart ir i had at home

Maybe the Netflix button did not turn on, but the power button did, with delay Also, maybe Netflix actually did, it's still a mistery

is there anything extra I could do from my side to help you out on this? Can you test these situations below? I'm also doing it:

  1. Using v0.4.2, with the tv completely off (i mean, passed about 2 minutes after turned it off, to ensure the connection is closed), turn it on through your remote control or physical button (any non-smart way) and immediately hit any app button after the tv is turned on. Check if it turns off
  2. Using v0.5.0, with the tv completely on (passed 1 minute after turned it on, to ensure the connection is established), try to use any app button. If possible, check the state of the tv entity before using tv-card, to make sure it's on and connected. Check if it turns off.

If it turns off on any situation, please check the logs at Settings > System > Logs and see what happened

usernein commented 2 years ago

hitting the On button on the card wasn't doing much but as soon I hit the Netflix button it immediately turned the TV on

@tretabyte you are right, the apps buttons instantly turn the tv on I turned it on using YouTube, but this time it didn't turn off the tv after clicking it again

I'm getting more sure it's on the integration side

usernein commented 2 years ago

@Stooovie are you using samsung too? Which integration?

tretabyte commented 2 years ago

weird.. rollback to 0.4.2 and tested, app buttons doens't work, updated to 0.5.2 (was using 0.5.0), app buttons still don't work the only thing spotted on logs is this:

Logger: custom_components.samsungtv_smart.media_player
Source: custom_components/samsungtv_smart/
Integration: SamsungTV Smart (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 01:48:03 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 01:49:24

Unsupported source```
Stooovie commented 2 years ago

@Stooovie are you using samsung too? Which integration?

Yes I am, 2018 NU8000 via this integration