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Rounding counts to thousands with two decimals and 'K' unit prefix is counterproductive #170

Closed myfonj closed 1 year ago

myfonj commented 1 year ago

Describe the change you'd like:

I'd like to see precise number counts everywhere or "unit prefixes" (suffixes) only when they would serve some space-preserving purpose. Current state with unit suffix and decimal point effectively consumes more visual space and is way more difficult to comprehend than simple "raw" number.

Additional context:


Fig: raw 12345 in common proportional font is effectively shorter representation of the number than its "abbreviation". Formatted yet precise representation have comparatively same length:

Format "Name" Comment
12345 raw precise
12.35K abbreviated imprecise, should "save space"
12 345 thinsp "long" precise "formatted" with   separator (*)
12 345 space "long" precise "formatted" with regular space separator (*)


* for visual separators I'd advise to use construct like 1<span style="letter-spacing: .3em">2</span>345 rather than using real characters, because it works more predictably and is more accessible.

vednoc commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for the feedback! The idea is to save some space in cards by showing a "relative" number count. I made some improvements to it, though I would happily make further tweaks if necessary. The issue will close automatically, so feel free to either reopen it or open a new one.