usethesource / rascal

The implementation of the Rascal meta-programming language (including interpreter, type checker, parser generator, compiler and JVM based run-time system)
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Remove black color from Rascal prompt #1908

Closed linuswagner closed 5 months ago

linuswagner commented 5 months ago

Fixes #1806

By removing the color from the prompt, making it only bold, the shell can decide about coloring, which should allow the prompt to be always readable

linuswagner commented 5 months ago

Likely fails, because it works on top of the current head of the repo (d962e8e) which also fails tests

jurgenvinju commented 5 months ago

Thanks @linuswagner ; we'll see if the tests run now due to the fixes on the main branch.

DavyLandman commented 5 months ago

It's not actually black, it's the ANSI color code for black, that a theme redefines for what it means on this specific terminal. Like dark themes and light themes map that same color code to a different color.

Could you run some tests on different themes to see how it behaves?

DavyLandman commented 5 months ago

Here is one to test out:

echo -e "\033[30;1m rascal>"

And testing it, depending on your color scheme, it's indeed hard to read. It might mean that the person who wrote the prompt codes, was working on a terminal with a light color scheme.

So yes, I think this is the right fix :+1: