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Adding keyword parameters to existing constructors or sorts #626

Closed jurgenvinju closed 8 years ago

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago
  1. Currently we have keyword parameters for constructors working exactly as they work for functions. This is good and consistent.
  2. Since keyword parameters eventually will replace all use cases of annotations on constructors, we have a missing feature: to be able to add "annotations/kwparams" to existing definitions.
  3. This feature, as far as we know, has no direct interpretation for normal functions. It's only relevant for constructors.

This thread is to discuss this feature, especially with @Anastassija, @mahills, @PaulKlint, @tvdstorm, @msteindorfer and @DavyLandman, to assert the need for it and possible syntax and semantics for this feature.

the need

If we get rid of annotations without adding open extensibility to keyword parameters, then the above use cases are broken and left wanting. So let's agree that we need this :-)

the syntax

We might elevate the following existing syntax to work differently:

data Exp (int newParameter = 0);

This is a declaration of a sort without mentioning any constructor and using common keyword parameters.

the semantics

The semantics of the above would be to add not only this common keyword parameter to the constructors declared in the current module or the current definition, but to all visible constructors for Exp.


DavyLandman commented 10 years ago

I agree that to replace annotations we do need to be able to add keyword parameters to a data type after it's declaration.

I like the proposed syntax.

Would there ever be a possibility to pattern match on the kwparams?

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

Pattern matching works already! And yes, also on the externally added pnes, because there should be a default in place.—

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Davy Landman wrote:

I agree that to replace annotations we do need to be able to add keyword parameters to a data type after it's declaration. I like the proposed syntax.

Would there ever be a possibility to pattern match on the kwparams?

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tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

+1 for the syntax. I think the solution to the nodes without the extra stuff is ok too.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

To further complicate/empower things, what about the following.


module Exp
data Exp = lit(int) | add(Exp, Exp);
int eval(add(x, y)) = eval(x) + eval(y)
int eval(lit(n)) = n;


module Var 
extend Exp;
data Exp = let(str, Exp, Exp) | var(str);
Exp eval(map[str,int] env = ());
int eval(let(x, e1, e2, env) = eval(e2, env = env + (x: eval(e1));
int eval(var(x), env) = env[x];

Note line four. Not entirely consistent the the data Exp(...) variant, but in the same spirit for functions.

Because of extend the env should be automatically passed on in the eval cases of Exp. I think @DavyLandman also asked about such automatic propagation.

NB: I don't know how general this is for extensible interpreters, -- it may just work accidentally for env. For instance, using a proper store would require to also track it in the result of eval.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

@jurgenvinju Re the "default that is in scope": what happens in the rare cases the same kwparam is added in different modules, with different default values, whose constructed values travel across module boundaries? Would this be observable?

The goal should be: from the local perspective from a single module, it should be consistent. IOW it should not be observable that some value originating in the other module had a different default value. But as it is now we cannot observe whether a kwparam's value is default or not in the first place, so maybe this can't trigger weird behavior.

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

@tvdstorm The function thing is proposed and discussed in depth elsewhere by @PaulKlint and @Anastassija in the general keyword parameters discussion: #154. It is really separate from the current more scoped discussion on adding keyword parameters to data types because there is no implicit parameter passing going on here. BTW implicit parameter passing, when applied to constructors leads to another feature at constructor level: inherited attributes.

Let's leave this part of the discussion to the bigger one about implicit parameters for functions and focus on just extensible keyword parameters for constructors here.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

And! We then don't need dynamically scoped variables anymore. :-)

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

@tvdstorm: since keyword parameter values are set at instantiation time (if declared in the current scope), then yes all these differences are observable and that is right (in my mind).

Yes, at least right now this is consistent (since we don't have the check for "setness" yet) and a default is just a transparent way of always having some value set for the parameter. But still, if we add "setness" to keyword parameters, then I don't see any issues. "setness" is not depending on the actual value (it can be "set" yet equal to the default), so this is orthogonal to the current discussion.

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

@tvdstorm about dynamically scoped variables: yes that was what @Anastassija and @PaulKlint had in mind, but not for this discussion. This involves a lot more, including variable references etc.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

No: if setness ("givenness") is possible, you can observe whether a value originated in this scope or not. I think this breaks modularity.

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

@tvdstorm how could you observe whether it originated in this scope then? I don't see it. You can only observe if somebody set the variable in any programmatic way other than the default computation. You can not see whether module A or module B was responsible for this.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

@jurgenvinju @Anastassija @PaulKlint Apologies for diluting the discussion: I assume this is the place I should be: ?

@cwi-swat/jurgenvinju says yes. A question is whether the current extension is consistent with the future changes we had in mind for #154, so far I believe it is. BTW, some of #154 is already represented in the compiler/run-time prototype.

tvdstorm commented 10 years ago

Maybe I'm wrong. Can't come up with an example. Lexical scoping probably saves you.

But if you extend a module that adds the same kwparam with different default there's an issue.

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

@tvdstorm the issue is which default parameter takes precedence? I would say that the default value is governed by the execution context at creation time of the constructor.

If you extend a module with the same kwparameter then there is no reason to add it again and you should probably be forbidden to do this. This kind of overriding is reserved, in my mind, for another feature -the explicit override feature- which we have yet to add to the semantics of extend (just like rename still has to be added to extend).

PaulKlint commented 10 years ago

Since data declarations are global, having two different defaults for the same keyword parameter is inconsistent.

The current design of common keyword parameters in data declarations also has its limitations: it only adds the common keyword parameters to the constructors in the current data definition (and not to previous or future ones).

jurgenvinju commented 10 years ago

[I edited this to remove shortsighted response from me]

Re: @PaulKlint: I agree that it can seem inconsistent from a global perspective, but maybe it's not that bad. Since we do have the module scope, if keyword defaults have module scope that would be ok. Do you agree? In a way this would be the same semantics as (overloaded) functions which are defined over several modules have. I also think that a static warning or even an error is in order for such clashes.

For modules that extend each other we do need to resolve inconsistencies in a different way, because then the original declaration and the new one may end up in the same scope. For this we should have the override feature for all kinds of declarations, including keyword parameter defaults.

This proposal is about removing the current limitations on common keyword parameters to enable the extensibility we need. The current limitations lead to an obviously correct semantics, so the question is whether removing them generates any more problems besides the unavoidable non-global properties of constructors.