usgpo / uslm

United States Legislative Markup (USLM) XML Schema
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TOC ReferenceItems and Identifiers? #17

Open nrperez2010 opened 2 years ago

nrperez2010 commented 2 years ago

@llaplant Why don’t these ReferenceItems in the table of contents (<toc>) include the identifier for the sections that exist later on in the document? e.g. identifier="/us/bill/116/hr/748/dA/tIII" - we are trying to link from the TOC to relevant sections, and this tagging would be helpful if included in the TOC section. Thanks!

<referenceItem` style="-uslm-lc:I651142" role="section">
   <designator>Sec. 1. </designator>
   <label>Short title.</label>
llaplant commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the feedback!

Instead of adding an identifier attribute, we can look at adding an href attribute, which could point to the the targeted section. The target section has an identifier, and the href would point at this identifier. The identifier attribute is used on the section itself, not on the referenceItem, and it should be unique (where possible). The USLM 2 schema does specify the href attribute on the child elements within the referenceItem. These could be used to point to the referenced section. We don't currently add references within the document itself, although we do add references to external documents such as Public Laws. Also note, we currently do not add identifiers to levels that are within appropriations, quotedContent, undesignated provisions, general provisions, or other places where we do not have a reliable identifier to use.