usgs / swarm

a Java application designed to display and analyze seismic waveforms in real-time.
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Drag and drop rearranging of station data in monitor panels #307

Open studioman22 opened 4 years ago

studioman22 commented 4 years ago

This is an age old issue I have been after for years with SWARM. We need the ability to drag and drop multiple or singular station outputs within one data source monitor to another location within the same panel, without having to rebuild the monitor panel from scratch every time we have to replace or rearrange a station in it. I have also discussed ways around this with Tom Parker before, but seedlink channel limitations can get in the way. Per Chad at IRIS, they would much rather that users make one connection to the IRIS seedlink server for multiple stations, rather than attempt to make multiple connections to their server and set each data source (and each wave monitor) to display only one station (as a potential workaround). Thanks!

dlnorgaard commented 4 years ago

The SeedLink change was made some versions back. Now there is only one connection for real-time collection of data.

studioman22 commented 4 years ago

Is that per IP connection? For example, let's say I want to monitor 5 separate stations, one in its own monitor window (and each as its own data source) from the IRIS seedlink server. Are you saying that SWARM sees the same IP for each data source in this case, and then communicates down the same connection as data source 1, for data sources 2, 3, 4, and 5?

dlnorgaard commented 4 years ago

Each seedlink data source will have its own connection. You should only make one data source for IRIS seedlink. Have you tried using the real-time wave monitor? They only have one station per window.

studioman22 commented 4 years ago

Ok then, if that's the case, then there really has been no change relevant to the display issue. So is there any chance we can develop the capability of free moveability of channel data displays within a single monitor panel? I mean it could be select, then arrow up/down type of move, or drag and drop, don't care. But with seismic stations constantly going out and rearranging constantly needed, we are long overdue for this in my opinion.

dlnorgaard commented 4 years ago

We're not actively making enhancements to Swarm at the moment but can consider it in future. We will also entertain pull requests. However, I would still like to know why the real-time wave monitor can't meet your needs.

studioman22 commented 4 years ago

There are several reasons why the real time wave viewer will not work for my needs. 1) Layout does not save window tiling status. It does save window positions to a point until you start filling the screen, but does not save the windows tiling status (in other words, which window is on top of which.) 2) Layout does not save time window settings. Save for example a 5 minute time window in each of your real time waves, and you will need to reset every one of them when you reload, because they come back in 2 minute defaults. 3) In a large layout, real time wave viewer takes up too much real estate per station with white borders and a forced amplitude scale. 4) There are no station/channel/location ID's in the window itself for real time waves- they are only on the window title bar with the data source. And there is no way to hide the tool bars at all. 5) Cannot be used in kiosk mode at all.

Overall, for a large layout using a lot of stations, all these reasons and more make using the real time wave viewer useless to me. The multi station wave monitor panels are great, and have none of those problems- just need the ability to rearrange them easily.

muzzylivestream2 commented 3 years ago

I would also like to see this option, it would make it so much easier to load stations in geographical order. Has been 18 months now, how is the development of this going? 🤔 Also the ability to load different Network Sources such as Geofon or Geonet into the same column/monitor as other Iris sources would be the ultimate.