usgs / winston

Winston is a Java-based seismic wave server, which provides data and plots to clients.
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log4j errors when launching Admin #12

Closed tparker-usgs closed 8 years ago

tparker-usgs commented 8 years ago
% java -cp lib/winston.jar gov.usgs.volcanoes.winston.db.Admin --help
log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.R
log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "R".
Winston Admin

A collection of commands for administering a Winston database.
Information about connecting to the Winston database must be present
in Winston.config in the current directory.

  java gov.usgs.winston.db.Admin [options] command [command arguments]

Valid options:
  --delay seconds                 the delay between each channel for commands
                                  for multiple channels

Valid commands:
  --list                          lists all channels
  --list times                    lists all channels with time span
  --delete channel                delete the specified channel
  --deletex SSSS$CCC$NN[$LL]      delete the specified channels where:
                                  SSSS is the station,
                                  CCC is the channel which may contain
                                  a wild card (%),
                                  SSSS is the station,
                                  NN is the network,
                                  LL is the optional location which may contain
                                  a wild card (%)
  --span                          recalculate table spans
  --purge channel days            purge the specified channel for the
                                  specified number of days
  --purgex channel days           purge the specified channel for the
                                  specified number of days where the channel
                                  may contain a wild card (%) anywhere
  --repair YYYY_MM_DD [channel]   repair all tables on given day
                                  optionally, just repair the specified channel

tparker-usgs commented 8 years ago

Fixed in 7bb9927