ushahidi / SwiftRiver

Discover, analyze and present data from the web and mobile in meaninful ways
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Ability to add list of locations for tags. #287

Open Nhorning opened 11 years ago

Nhorning commented 11 years ago

I work with an ushahdi deployment in Nepal, where most of the locations names are given my "village development committee" and and ward number within those.

A list of all of these VDCs and Wards is available on Geonames and the geonames RSS service actually does quite a good job of geotagging based on VDC when a feed is sent though it.

It would be really nice if this capability could be added to SwiftRiver. I would assume by being able to add a dump of locations names from the geonames database, so that the swiftriver could search the list for similar names while tagging locations. As it is now, most of the locations names that swiftriver tags the Nepali feeds with are not nearly accurate or relevant enough. But, they could be if this ability was added.

Nhorning commented 11 years ago

@himalayantechies will hopefully be able to implement this this month.