ushahidi / SwiftRiver

Discover, analyze and present data from the web and mobile in meaninful ways
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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"Rules" feature to copy drops from river to bucket based on keyword not working. No drops copied. #354

Open dan-king opened 11 years ago

dan-king commented 11 years ago

Problem: I set up a rule to copy drops to a bucket based on a keyword. But no drops were copied.


  1. Created River called "Tacoma" with Twitter channel keyword "Tacoma".
  2. Created a bucket called "Taste of Tacoma".
  3. Created rule for Tacoma river: Copy drops to "Taste of Tacoma" bucket on keyword "Taste". (see attached)

Over the weekend of June 28-30, 2013 the Tacoma River gathered roughly 5000 drops, approximately 1000 of which included the phrase "Taste of Tacoma".

However, none of the drops containing "taste" were copied to the "Taste of Tacoma" bucket.

swiftriver rule for taste of tacoma