ushahidi / Swiftriver-2011

SwiftRiver is a free and open source software platform that uses algorithms and crowdsourcing to curate and filter realtime data.
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SMS feed #45

Closed Pineapple-zz closed 13 years ago

Pineapple-zz commented 14 years ago


How is it possible to setup an SMS feed in the latest version of Swift (0.50)? It appears to only support Blogs, News, You Tube and Twitter. Am I missing something?

regards and thanks

Andrew Walters Australia

mrmatthewgriffiths commented 14 years ago

Hi Andrew,

There is no direct support for any of the SMS Gateway API's that ship with this version of Swiftriver, we do of cause have them on our road map!

Do you have a specific gateway in mind?


Pineapple-zz commented 14 years ago

Ah, that makes sense then. I was trying both SlingshotSMS and Frontline - obviously without any success.



mrmatthewgriffiths commented 14 years ago

Hi Andrew,

While the SMS gateway parsers are still in the pipeline, you can leverage FrontlineSMS's Forward To Email option and then read these into Swiftriver using the Email Parser, this parser is still in development but I have an alpha release I can let you have if you're interested???


Pineapple-zz commented 14 years ago

An excellent suggestion! I would be very interested; I've been going around in circles with this for days and couldn't find a resolution. I understand that it's got it's risks but it's better than nothing and I might be able to give you some testing feedback.

thanks again,


mrmatthewgriffiths commented 14 years ago

If anyone is interested in an alpha release of the Email parser that would allow the kind of FrontlineSMS integration discussed here please send an email to and I will forward you the parser and some brief installation instructions.


jgosier commented 14 years ago

@Pineapple we should have a better solution for FLSMS available in mid-October

Pineapple-zz commented 14 years ago

Look forward to it.