ushahidi / Ushahidi_Android

[Deprecated] Ushahidi Android app For Ushahidi V2.x.x. Working on V3.x.x at
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
202 stars 153 forks source link

App crashes when syncing my deployment #138

Closed Lunkster closed 11 years ago

Lunkster commented 11 years ago

My deployment (v. 2.7) on Amazon EC2 worked as a charm on Android, but suddenly it chrashes when syncing against my deployment. Working ok on the Ushahidi demo site, but not anymore on my own. Tested with two different Samsung and Android versions (Wildfire S and Galaxy SIII 4G). The app still works on iOS against the same deployment. Therefore the problem should lie within the Android app. But as already mentioned, it did work ok on the Android app up until yesterday. The deployment is located at, but as I having trouble getting clean URLs the apps has to connect to Suggestions anyone?

I can however send in a report through the app

Can't use catlog on Jelly bean...

Lunkster commented 11 years ago

Catlog from Samsung Wildfire S, and it seems it's syncing for a time until it fails....

06-02 12:02:58.111 E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 73): failed to extract an album art 06-02 12:02:58.131 D/MediaProvider( 1499): thumbnail original width 200, height 198 06-02 12:02:58.131 D/MediaProvider( 1499): thumbnail 1st resize width 200, height 198, mAlbumSize=320 06-02 12:02:58.302 I/ 2549): downloading... ReportId: 47 06-02 12:02:58.342 D/MediaProvider( 1499): Put album art to caches, d.album_id= 13, size= 5 06-02 12:02:58.382 I/ 2549): downloading... ReportId: 45 06-02 12:02:58.832 D/MediaScanner( 1499): setMimeType mimeType= audio/mpeg 06-02 12:02:59.233 D/MediaScanner( 1499): setMimeType mimeType= audio/mpeg 06-02 12:02:59.283 I/ 2549): downloading... ReportId: 39 06-02 12:02:59.393 I/ 2549): downloading... 2013_06_02_10_02_59.jpg ReportId: 38 06-02 12:02:59.413 D/StatusBarService( 207): updateIcon slot=data_connection index=18 viewIndex=12 old=StatusBarIcon( id=0x7f0200a1 level=0 visible=true num=0 ) icon=StatusBarIcon( id=0x7f020075 level=0 visible=true num=0 ) 06-02 12:02:59.453 W/dalvikvm( 2549): threadid=22: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x400205a0) 06-02 12:02:59.453 D/MediaScanner( 1499): setMimeType mimeType= audio/mpeg 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground() 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerSetException( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at$RefreshReports.doInBackground( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at$RefreshReports.doInBackground( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at android.os.AsyncTask$ 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( 06-02 12:02:59.463 E/AndroidRuntime( 2549): ... 4 more 06-02 12:02:59.473 W/ActivityManager( 119): Force finishing activity 06-02 12:02:59.483 I/ 2549): onPause 06-02 12:02:59.513 I/ 2549): onActivityResult 06-02 12:02:59.513 I/ 2549): onRestart 06-02 12:02:59.513 I/ 2549): onStart 06-02 12:02:59.513 I/ 2549): onResume 06-02 12:02:59.693 W/SchedPolicy( 2549): add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '' (Invalid argument); background=0 06-02 12:02:59.793 D/dalvikvm( 2549): GC_CONCURRENT freed 840K, 48% free 4261K/8135K, external 508K/1344K, paused 6ms+12ms 06-02 12:02:59.923 D/MediaScanner( 1499): setMimeType mimeType= audio/mpeg 06-02 12:03:00.043 I/ 2549): onStop 06-02 12:03:00.133 I/ 2549): onDestroy

eyedol commented 11 years ago

I suspect the return of null values via the API. I'll look into it

eyedol commented 11 years ago

@Lunkster this has been fixed in this commit #136. Closing

Lunkster commented 11 years ago

Upgraded app and tested, worked fine. Great job!