ushahidi / Ushahidi_Android

[Deprecated] Ushahidi Android app For Ushahidi V2.x.x. Working on V3.x.x at
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
202 stars 153 forks source link

private deployments do not work #145

Open fauners opened 11 years ago

fauners commented 11 years ago

Hi I am unable to access any private deployments. There does not seem to be a way to login or anything. Is there a way to do this? thanks adam

eyedol commented 11 years ago

@fauners This hasn't been implemented. However there has been some interest in the community to fix this. Hopefully it should be implemented soon.

fauners commented 11 years ago

cool. It would be a major advantage i think personally. the mobile theme for ushahidi doesn't have login capabilities either so mobile usage is limited at the minute.