ushahidi / Ushahidi_Android

[Deprecated] Ushahidi Android app For Ushahidi V2.x.x. Working on V3.x.x at
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Uhsahidi android app V3.9 problem #169

Open leekanghwan opened 10 years ago

leekanghwan commented 10 years ago

"Share" on Android phone receives incorrect ID

I am currently testing with 'sharing a report to other social media' in Android phones. When I press 'share button,' I get a different ID on my app from the server. For example, when the ID of a report in my server is 5, my app somehow recieves 500 for the ID.

Does anyone experience the same error? Any fixes, any tips to fix this would be greatly appriciated.

I am using Ushahidi server version 2.7.2 and build app on Android version 3.9