ushahidi / Ushahidi_Android

[Deprecated] Ushahidi Android app For Ushahidi V2.x.x. Working on V3.x.x at
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add photo doesn't work on my Android #174

Open fmarzocca opened 9 years ago

fmarzocca commented 9 years ago

Trying to ad a photo to a report, but it doesn't work. I have tried both by using the internal Camera or by arraching a Gallery photo, but no photo is attached.

Rszotak commented 9 years ago

Was able to add photos from galaxy note 3 from internal camera. Also was able to add photos form the gallery that were taken using internal camera. Could not upload photos that had been downloaded from other apps or saved from websites.

fmarzocca - What phone are you user and what firmware version?

Rszotak commented 9 years ago

I suspect that there is an issue with default photo viewers. I found that I could upload photos from the default android gallery after reseting my default applications in the settings. Many manufacturers put crap on top of the android stock. However this application only accepts paths to photos from the android gallery, not another "album" application. The work around for now would just be resetting the default application for viewing photos so that when you try to upload a photo, the default program opened to select photos is the android gallery.

fmarzocca commented 9 years ago

I am using a galaxy S3 mini. I am able to add photos only if I shoot them directly, can't upload photos from the gallery.

fmarzocca commented 9 years ago

Ok, I will try your suggestions. Thanks!