ushahidi / Ushahidi_Android

[Deprecated] Ushahidi Android app For Ushahidi V2.x.x. Working on V3.x.x at
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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report incident using Open GeoSMS #85

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Overview of Changes


eyedol commented 11 years ago

@mrl-gt Thanks for the comprehensive addition. I'm really happy to merge this. I have few questions and a suggestion to ask. When does the GeoSMS get triggered? I know an alert dialog shows up when submitting the report. Does this alert dialog shows up by default? If yes, I would suggest a feature, could you make the GeoSMS feature to be enabled via the app setting screen. I'm asking this because not everyone will have GeoSMS enabled on their Ushahidi deployment. Making this behave by default can be an annoying issue if the Ushahidi deployment configured on the app doesn't have GeoSMS enabled.

ghost commented 11 years ago

@eyedol Currently the alert dialog show up on default. I plan to implement a "discover" functionality to detect if an Open GeoSMS plugin is active. A simple implementation could be to perform a HTTP GET on a specific URL such as http://my.deployment/opengeosms/discover. If a valid response is returned the deployment is assumed to have Open GeoSMS plugin enabled. In addition, that URL could return a list of phone numbers so no user input is required, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea from a security standpoint?

My original plan is to upstream each functionality individually (send, upload photo, discover, improvements/fixes...), so I can make changes early and incrementally. If you prefer, I can send a pull request after all functionalities are implemented. In that case, please take look at the diffs and let me know if there's something I can/should change at this point.

eyedol commented 11 years ago

You might want to use this API http://yourdeployment/api?task=version call instead. This API call returns all enabled plugins plus the phone numbers attached to the deployment.

I would say finish with the full feature, send a pull request then I'll merge it for a release. Also, try to keep your fork updated with mine, that way you'll have my latest changes and when merging, it will be much easier. I'm happy to do a code review if you prompt me. If anything let me know.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the tip on the API. I will use it to implement "discover". I have a question about the code review. How do I "prompt" you? Do I send you an email with a link to a snapshot of my repo to be reviewed? Or maybe create another pull request? Please let me know. Thanks.

eyedol commented 11 years ago

@mrl-gt Just point me to a commit. Say via email or a comment here on github.

eyedol commented 11 years ago

@mrl-gt since this no more needed, mind pulling it out? Thanks.

ghost commented 11 years ago

@eyedol Could you tell me how to pull out a pull request? I can't seem to find a button to do this in the webpage. Thanks.

eyedol commented 11 years ago

I think github canceled it.