ushahidi / opendesign

A methodology for distributed, asynchronous design contributions to software projects
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Genius Interview #14 - SS #144

Closed Erioldoesdesign closed 4 years ago

Erioldoesdesign commented 4 years ago

Notes from chat with SS located in the doc:

Also copy paste in comments

Erioldoesdesign commented 4 years ago

Raw notes:

Work on somethings together

not just security & privacy

Grantees of prototype fund in civic tech

Names don’t matter -> issues matter, problem spaces matter

not pair designers with tools -> what processes and frameworks are needed for this to be sustainable. Feedback -> how is it useful

Skills around security & privacy -> design contributions a tool that still exists in 5+ years.

GSoC -> summer of design -> Underlying issues there

security & privacy = rights and responsibility of user and marginalised users. Bring in to user rights conversations.

Who is our audience? Teach design to people already in open source.

Integrating design into open source <- Grp of devs who have a base understanding of how design works. Most affective talking at FOSS events

I’d like to work more with someone who does more with this. Design help!

Design jam connections to the FOSS.

Capacity building is super important! talk at FOSSDEM

Building the network! Seed funding things.

Doing this for some time.

Ideas: Event series -> under exposed public conversation about the biggest topic of the year. Workshop people could skill share and work on things together. Residency format. January 10 fellows for a week in Berlin. Mix of capacity building, user tester and showcasing to the Berlin community. (Amnesty < can you place designers in NGO OSS orgs)

Bigger industry folks to get interested in internet freedom sectors and HRA’s and vulnerable people. Human Rights centred design and UX. Put in a proposal for IXD in Milan and we should collaborate in that.

Merging! AP: Also rights con session with Open Archive + connect up - Rightscon want to recognise that designers are a thing in the community.

Design for good slack. Acumen social innovator communities.

Mapping the actors & mapping the goals. Working on what and why?

Governance in OSS communities is hard.

UX design salon.