ushahidi / platform

Ushahidi Platform API version 3+
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Dynamic analysis of verified data within Ushahidi #1726

Closed ClearLakeHABMap closed 3 months ago

ClearLakeHABMap commented 7 years ago

Feature Request I would expect to have the capacity to either: 1) have a tab available in the main navigation bar that allows me to add my own sub site that pulls data directly from the database to present information and present it inside Ushahidi 2) provide integration in an additional tab for advanced analysis using R or a similar/lighter open source package that can work within a server and provide instant analysis of the data collected.

This could be available to a variety of users based on permissions control. The current analysis functions more like a tally and trend lines. We see need for temporal and spatial analysis with consideration to multiple categorical and survey parameters. An example would be viewing category to survey relevance, perhaps with a temporal element. Other applications could include printable hotspot maps of data and special indication of locations with related survey responses. IE a fish kill observed by a person with a field sample to monitor water quality, lab sample to show confirmation of toxin, and remote sensing of high levels of observed activity from satellite.

Aha! Link:

ClearLakeHABMap commented 7 years ago

One tool used by the USEPA at the moment is RETIGO. It was designed to import CSV data and project it onto a map with analysis including temporal, spatial, regression, and standard deviation. This would be a major draw for use by groups that are more science-related and provide increased exposure to the tool, and both business and support.