ushahidi / platform

Ushahidi Platform API version 3+
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Create Deployment Feature [Mockup] #222

Closed Jepchumba closed 10 years ago

Jepchumba commented 10 years ago

Create Deployment Feature - Steps 1-4 1_depolymentsettings 2_deploymenttype 3_report_type 4_post_wizard

rjmackay commented 10 years ago

I chatted through this with Jep. There's some awesome stuff. This is basically the process you go through during/just after install.. its also the basis for the settings views we need to build for user permissions and custom post types (ie. forms)

Also @rrbaker note the "deployment types" ie. install profiles like we chatted about :)

Jepchumba commented 10 years ago

Step 5 - User Management Wizard 5_users_wizard

brianherbert commented 10 years ago

Sorry just chiming in here not having all the details but does this imply that one install of v3 will allow you to create multiple deployments?

Jepchumba commented 10 years ago

@brianherbert not what I had in mind.. But maybe could be a future feature.. @rjmackay thoughts?

brianherbert commented 10 years ago

I don't think multiple deployments in a single install is within the scope of v3 and probably better left out.

Some feedback then, maybe the text should read "setup this deployment" or "create this deployment" instead of saying "create a deployment" which implies it's only one of many.

rjmackay commented 10 years ago

multiple deployments - not yet. Maybe eventually.. but nothing we need to think about not. I agree this should probably be "Set up this deployment" or something similar.

Jepchumba commented 10 years ago

Yes. wording is changed.

shadowhand commented 10 years ago

Please use Phab + Philio for further iteration.