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[Outreachy Task Submission] Add Hidden Button Value Text for Close button in Post Details Modal #4906

Open Chiemezuo opened 2 months ago

Chiemezuo commented 2 months ago


This is an Accessibility issue I found with the 'Close' button in the post-details modal. The Close button, despite being an SVG, has no value text.


The button for closing the Post details modal has no value text. This is a violation of WCAG Success Criterion 1.1.1 (Level A) - Non-text content. See


Success Criterion 1.1.1 (Level A) - Non-text content requires that all non-text content presented to users has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose, except for situations where the content is intended to be omitted by the author or is decorative in nature.


Accessibility software that can either convert text to visuals (for deaf people), and braille (for blind people) will not work. People who cannot understand the meaning of images/icons would struggle with this. Additionally, there would be no way to search for visual content in a text-based manner.


Add a value text to the button. I will raise a PR for this, shortly.