ushahidi / platform

Ushahidi Platform API version 3+
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"My posts" saved filter is missing in all signed- up deployers' deployments. #4919

Open CeciliaHinga opened 1 month ago

CeciliaHinga commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug The "My posts" saved filter is not available for non-admin deployers.

The "My posts" filter is a filter that shows ALL signed-up deployers the posts they have submitted.

Where was the bug observed

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: As an Admin

  1. Log in as an admin/deployment owner
  2. Click on saved filters
  3. "My posts" is available Screenshot_18_04_2024__13_45

As a member

  1. Log in as a member with default permissions
  2. Click on saved filters
  3. "My posts" is missing product__Channel__-_Ushahidi_-_Slack

Expected behavior The "My posts" filter is a filter that shows ALL signed-up deployers the posts they have submitted. It should be available for all signed-up users.

Is there a workaround? What is it. To be given admin permissions.

Granting the member "manage posts and manage permissions" separately doesn't make them visible either but together, "my posts" appears

URL / Environment where this happened Prod

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