uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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We have to call .read() on layer1.upload_part's response,… #101

Closed stigger closed 11 years ago

stigger commented 11 years ago

…otherwise HostConnectionPool will not reuse that connection, and eventually (given a large enough file) we will run out of available connections and crash with a weird error.

wvmarle commented 11 years ago

All of these fixed already in my parallel_uploads branch, which is waiting to be merged. Thanks for the effort anyway.

stigger commented 11 years ago

That's why hotfixes should not be in the same branch as new features -- so they won't stay in review for weeks.

wvmarle commented 11 years ago

Of course, but not everyone is so experienced with git and related stuff...