uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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File re-uploading after finishing #107

Open jqdoumen opened 11 years ago

jqdoumen commented 11 years ago

A file is upload tilll 100% and then ... starts all over again ...

iMac:~ DeJean$ glacier-cmd upload --partsize 8 Photos_Scans35mm 20110319.tar.gz 20110319.tar.gz Wrote 1.0 GB. Rate 108.87 KB/s.Rate 423.27 KB/s, average 108.91 KB/s, eta 11:45:08. Wrote 8.0 MB of 1.0 GB (0%). Rate 113.01 KB/s, average 113.01 KB/s, eta 14:22:35.

(appears like this on the screen. The first line turned to 100%, finishes, and then the second line appears starting the upload from 0 again.)