uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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Add SNS support #109

Closed uskudnik closed 11 years ago

uskudnik commented 11 years ago

Adds SNS support. Full feature set from README:

Short Notification Service (SNS) is Amazon's technology that allows you to be notified when actions are completed. glacier-cmd allows for whatever granularity of control as you desire.

If you run glacier-cmd sns sync without specifing anything in your configuration file, it will automatically subscribe all your vaults to aws-glacier-notifications topic.

$ sns sync                                           
| Vault Name |                    Request Id                   |
|  vault1    | r6egKGUGtCPFi0uEQwP9hIcl5TRSr_EhxxogfX56RnN9FxA |
|  vault2    | bXxvIX-gaALibuU7OHOL8OIy1EAPgDDknnswV8DlOsESMAI |
|  vault3    | iJTMya-QvQ5Jf17hMd85vY9qk1q2dNwnR90aS-p5Vwl__PY |

However, if you desire, you can put sections into your settings file to allow for finer control of your notifications.



Topic name is specified after SNS:. By default, if you don't specify any vaults, all your vault will be subscribed to that topic.

If you pass in the method argument you will be automatically subscribed to that topic.

After any changes to your .glacier-cmd file you should run glacier-cmd sns sync again.

$ glacier-cmd sns sync
| Topic  |   Subscribe Result   | Vault Name |                    Request Id                   |
| topic1 | pending confirmation |  vault1    | Ap-i98165PUh8eSnppwdstANnwSkcOe9VAqXEhIyY45ybYc |
|        |                      |  vault2    | QJOigsIM_JPKG1SEhMYmkbxZzxhQ9lkN4HLKLJKuqaKDHg0 |
|        |                      |  vault3    | 5cXDpeL91-ZKNIDKs5nUzqIJ9O1ktujwcPQtQf2tLHmgr54 |
| topic2 | pending confirmation |  vault1    | y8mmcnWrK5R5nQzmz5sxlJKD20DVkyDkUkOywo8p273TUDA |
|        |                      |  vault4    | gvrFKzO7W4Srr8NoLQLnCxuw64vf_7qpLSdAe_6Pon7KqfQ |

To get a list of all subscriptions you can run glacier-cmd sns lssub.

$ glacier-cmd sns lssub                                      
|  Account #   |  Section  | Protocol |         Endpoint        |                                        ARN                                        |
| 123456789101 |   vault1  |  email   | |                                PendingConfirmation                                |
| 123456789101 | allvaults |  email   | | arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:allvaults:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   |
| 123456789101 |  vault2   |  email   | |    arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:vault2:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   |
| 123456789101 |   bleble  |  email   |    |   arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:bleble:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                    |
| 123456789101 |   bleble  |  email   | |                                PendingConfirmation                                |

To get a list of all topics (including non-glacier-related ones) run glacier-cmd sns lstopic.

$ glacier-cmd sns lstopic
|             Topic             |                            Topic ARN                             |
|   aws-glacier-notifications   |   arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:aws-glacier-notifications   |
|            vault2             |             arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:vault2            |
|            vault1             |             arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:vault1            |

To subscribe to a specific topic, run

$ glacier-cmd sns subscribe protocol endpoint topic
|   SubscribeResult    |              RequestId               |
| pending confirmation | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |

You can also pass in the --vault argument which will subscribe all specified vaults (separated by comma) to a specified topic.

$ glacier-cmd sns subscribe email topic10 --vault vault1,vault2,vault3
|   SubscribeResult    |              RequestId               |
| pending confirmation | e9a1d360-193c-52e4-89b5-9a78f08252ea |

To unsubscribe, use unsubsribe, which you can limit with --protocol, --endpoint and --topic.

$ glacier-cmd sns unsubscribe --endpoint --protocol email --topic vault2
|  Account #   | Section | Protocol |         Endpoint        |                                     ARN                                     |
| 123456789101 |  vault2 |  email   | | arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789101:vault2:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             |

You have to pass in at least one option. If you pass in only one option, all subscriptions matching that option will be unsubscribed. So if you would pass in --endpoint all subscriptions to that address would be unsubscribed.

uskudnik commented 11 years ago

Will wait at least until monday in hopes of any comments/feedback.