uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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SDBResponseError: 403 Forbidden but scratchpad works #125

Open DaveQB opened 11 years ago

DaveQB commented 11 years ago

Hi all,

Not sure if I am missing something. I used the Amazon SimpleDB Scratchpad to create a domain. I created one named Glacier and then realised the region might not be right. So did a search and replace through the scratchpad html files for the default endpoint and changed it to and created a domain called glacier there too. Even tried adding an attribute and then retrieving it. All works.

In my ~/.glacier-cmd I have:

[glacier] region=ap-northeast-1 bookkeeping=True bookkeeping-domain-name=glacier logfile=~/.glacier-cmd.log loglevel=INFO output=print

I haven't changed the keys in this config since I set it up. I have used this config to upload many files and many GBs worth of data. The keys match up to what I used to created the SimpleDB in the scratchpad.

Now with the bookkeeping feature enabled I am getting this:

glacier-cmd inventory Football str: Cannot connect to Amazon SimpleDB. Caused by: 1 exception || SDBResponseError: SDBResponseError: 403 Forbidden || <?xml version="1.0"?> || InvalidClientTokenIdThe AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.5ea640d4-7909-cec5-54ba-3c69b4121438

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? I can't follow the logic here. Either default region or ap-northeast-1 have my SimpleDB domain.

DaveQB commented 9 years ago

I see I needed add the....

[sdb] access_key=your_sdb_access_key secret_key=your_sdb_secret_key region=us-west-1

....section to my ~/.glacier-cmd file.