uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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rmarchive with archive identifiers beginning with a dash results in the error 'too few arguments' #144

Closed kill-9-me closed 10 years ago

kill-9-me commented 10 years ago

It is possible for an archive identifier to begin with a - (dash). Archive identifiers that start with a - are being parsed as a command line option. This is using the latest version from github.


glacier-cmd --aws-access-key [REDACTED] --aws-secret-key [REDACTED] --region us-east-1 rmarchive [REDACTED] '-eHRfY5B6o[REDACTED]'


usage: glacier-cmd rmarchive [-h] vault archive
glacier-cmd rmarchive: error: too few arguments