uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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The --name and --description Parameters Have no Effect on Archive Names #159

Open alanedwardes opened 10 years ago

alanedwardes commented 10 years ago


The below calls both result in the same output:

~: /usr/local/bin/glacier-cmd upload --name Day_1/testing.txt backupvault /path/to/test.txt
Wrote 9.0 bytes. Rate 29.00 bytes/s. Rate 7.34 MB/s, average 66.00 bytes/s, ETA 14:23:18.
|          Header          |                              Value                               |
| Archive SHA256 tree hash | ef417326f45e61f31ec764c2052f442b9490321a8d0886b8f92050a3ee8ec7dc |
|      Uploaded file       |                        /path/to/test.txt                         |
 ~: /usr/local/bin/glacier-cmd upload --description Day_1/testing.txt backupvault /path/to/test.txt
Wrote 9.0 bytes. Rate 34.00 bytes/s. Rate 8.72 MB/s, average 78.00 bytes/s, ETA 14:23:28.
|          Header          |                              Value                               |
| Archive SHA256 tree hash | ef417326f45e61f31ec764c2052f442b9490321a8d0886b8f92050a3ee8ec7dc |
|      Uploaded file       |                        /path/to/test.txt                        |

glacier-cmd doesn't use the --name or --description parameter to name the uploaded archive. This is very troublesome if absolute file names are supplied, such as /home/user/location/testing.
