uskudnik / amazon-glacier-cmd-interface

Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
MIT License
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Resumption of multipart uploads; boto integration. #72

Closed wvmarle closed 11 years ago

wvmarle commented 11 years ago

Resumption of multipart uploads is now possibly using the --uploadid switch:

$ glacier-cmd upload <vault> <filename> --uploadid <uploadid>

The upload id must be manually found via $ glacier-cmd listmultiparts <vault>

The hash of the local file (or data from stdin) will be compared to the hash of the uploaded parts; if any problem the upload is aborted and user is asked to check their input.

Furthermore most calls are now direct to boto instead of using our own html requests; this should make it more robust and at least cuts a lot of code.

uskudnik commented 11 years ago

Excellent work!