usnistgov / ACVP-Server

A repository tracking releases of NIST's ACVP server. See for the protocol.
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RSA/sigGen expected results contain the OID of the SHA2 algorithm instead of SHA3 #256

Closed szendros closed 1 year ago

szendros commented 1 year ago

environment Demo

testSessionId 384995

vsId 1563841

Algorithm registration


Endpoint in which the error is experienced GET

Expected behavior For RSA/sigGen where the digest was SHA3 and sigType: pkcs1v1.5 the expected results returned by ACVP server contained a DigestInfo structure with the OID of the SHA2 algorithm (not the SHA3 algorithm as expected)

Additional context For example: Expected result: "tcId": 37, "signature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}, The request testvector for tcId: 37 has "hashAlg": "SHA3-256", In the decoded DigestInfo structure the ASN.1 structure:

    algorithm: sha256 (2.16.840.
    parameter: NULL
    0000 - c9 b8 85 23 ff 04 9d ed-81 81 b8 28 5f ba fc 86   ...#.......(_...
    0010 - da 14 e4 02 fc d0 af 4d-d8 17 83 f7 9f 51 b2 74   .......M.....Q.t

OID 2.16.840. is the OID of SHA2-256, which is expected to be 2.16.840. (SHA3-256)

livebe01 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @szendros. Btw, same issue with RSA sigVer. We'll get this fixed

livebe01 commented 1 year ago

The fix for this is now on Demo in release v1.1.0.29.

sandor-szendro-i4p commented 1 year ago

I tried RSA/sigGen after the fix, and we stil have a problem for SHA3 signatures. We retrieved expected values using the "sample" switch and we found the following issue: in the signature the following ASN.1 can be found: 0:d=0 hl=2 l= 43 cons: SEQUENCE 2:d=1 hl=2 l= 11 cons: SEQUENCE 4:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :2.16.840. 15:d=1 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL

the length of the sequence that contains the OID seems to be off by 2 bytes

we think it should be: 0:d=0 hl=2 l= 45 cons: SEQUENCE
2:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :2.16.840.

OpenSSL parser also throws an error: Error in encoding 23340:error:0D07209B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:too long:.\crypto\asn1\asn1_lib.c:147:

This problem can be encountered only for SHA3 OIDs it is all right for SHA2 OIDs.

Can you please confirm if this error is on the ACVP side?

jbrock24 commented 1 year ago

@sandor-szendro-i4p I'm looking into this.

jbrock24 commented 1 year ago

OK, I see the error and have fixed it, sorry about that. It will be out with the next HOTFIX ASAP.

sandor-szendro-i4p commented 1 year ago

@jbrock24 Thank you

livebe01 commented 1 year ago

The fix for this is on Demo with release v1.1.0.29-hotfix-1

sandor-szendro-i4p commented 1 year ago

Thanks, it's working.

livebe01 commented 1 year ago

The fix for this is on Prod in release v1.1.0.29-hotfix-1.