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GET VectorSet, ExpectedVectorSet and TestSession returns 'retry 30' #292

Closed mmccarl closed 9 months ago

mmccarl commented 9 months ago

environment Demo

testSessionId 439493

vsId 1830888

On about 2023-09-24 18:22:30 GMT I submitted the following algorithm registration:

[ { "acvVersion": "1.0" }, { "isSample": true, "algorithms": [ { "keyLen": [ 128, 192, 256 ], "kwCipher": [ "cipher" ], "revision": "1.0", "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-KWP", "direction": [ "encrypt", "decrypt" ], "payloadLen": [ { "max": 4096, "min": 8, "increment": 8 } ], "prereqVals": [] } ] } ] For which i received the following test session response:

[ { "acvVersion": "1.0" }, { "url": "\/acvp\/v1\/testSessions\/439493", "createdOn": "2023-09-24T18:22:31Z", "expiresOn": "2023-10-24T18:22:31Z", "vectorSetUrls": [ "\/acvp\/v1\/testSessions\/439493\/vectorSets\/1830888" ], "publishable": false, "passed": false, "isSample": true, "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI..." } ]

From that point forward, requests for the vector set and expected vector set have returned 'retry 30'. Also, subsequent attempts to GET test session 439493 return 'retry 30' -- quite unexpected since i did get a good response from the registration.

livebe01 commented 9 months ago

Hi @mmccarl, we're not 100% on what went wrong with that test session. We see where an error occurred as part of creating that test session, but not sure why. Can you start over/create a new test session and let us know if you run into any further issues?

mmccarl commented 9 months ago

i was able to run it today (tsid 447982). at the time of the original attempt, i had submitted quite a few requests -- many for the same aes-kwp algorithm but with slightly different options selected -- but only one had this problem. i noticed it because the 'getvector' requests ended up on our retry queue where they were retried approximately every 2 minutes.

sounds like gremlins.

you can close this or keep it -- your choice.


jbrock24 commented 9 months ago

We'll close it, thanks for rerunning and your patience.