usnistgov / ACVP

Industry Working Group on Automated Cryptographic Algorithm Validation
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What is the format of FixedInfo parameter "l" in RSA-OAEP KTS? #1513

Closed gx2955 closed 2 months ago

gx2955 commented 2 months ago

In ACVP document,

The length of the derived keying material in bits, MUST be represented in 32 bits for ACVP testing.

may I get an example?

For example, l=512, I tried,

  1. 00000000000000000000001000000000 (binary in ascii)
  2. 00000200 (hex in ascii)
  3. 32 bits in binary (in binary)

I tried both big endian and little endian for above 3, none of them works.

gx2955 commented 2 months ago

close the question since I get the answer, I shall view the uPartyID and vPartyID as binary instead of hex ascii.