usnistgov / ACVP

Industry Working Group on Automated Cryptographic Algorithm Validation
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The HMAC needs a message length parameter just like CMAC #944

Open burtw opened 4 years ago

burtw commented 4 years ago

The CMAC specification contains the following:

   |           |                        |        |          |          |
   | msgLen    | The CMAC message       | Domain | 0-524288 | No       |
   |           | lengths supported in   |        |          |          |
   |           | bits.                  |        |          |          |
   |           | Min/max/increment and  |        |          |          |
   |           | values must be mod 8.  |        |          |          |
   |           |                        |        |          |          |

The HMAC specification should also contain an identical min, max, inc specification for the message length so we can thoroughly and correctly test our HMAC hardware given our specific use cases.

Thank you.

mplascencia commented 3 years ago

Hi, We have a vendor that is need of this feature enhancement as well. Is there any update or progress on this feature? Thank you for any information you can provide.