usnistgov / COSMOSAC

A Benchmark Implementation of COSMO-SAC
MIT License
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What is a correct .cosmo file style #14

Open GangqiangYu opened 3 years ago

GangqiangYu commented 3 years ago

I obtained the .cosmo file (e.g., ethanol.cosmo as shown the attachment) by performing the Dmol3 caculation in Materials Studio package, but this file style is different from that provided at (e.g., LFQSCWFLJHTTHZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N.cosmo as shown the attachment). How do I get the same files as yours, and what post-processing is required? I look forward to hearing from you!

ianhbell commented 3 years ago

Yes, it seems that Dmol3 has changed their cosmo file format. Interested in updating the parser?

GangqiangYu commented 3 years ago

It is failed to obtain a sigma profile by running the python script based on the cosmo file with changed style , but it is successful for your cosmo file. Thank you very much for your help! I am very interested in updating the parser to obtain sigma files successfully.

ianhbell commented 3 years ago

We might want to be a bit thoughtful about trying to support all the different cosmo formats that have been generated by Dmol3. Can you do a bit of research to track down the documentation for their different formats?

GangqiangYu commented 3 years ago

I will produce some cosmo files by using the Dmol3 calculation, and then send to you. What do you think ?

ianhbell commented 3 years ago

I'm looking for something more conclusive: documentation from Dmol3 staff about all changes that have happened to this file format over the years so that it is clear that we are covering all the relevant formats.

GangqiangYu commented 3 years ago

It is a good idea! What can I do ?

ianhbell commented 3 years ago

Ask the support team of Dmol3 for a complete changelog of their cosmo file format.

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

Is there a plan to support nwchem COSMO files? or other rather open source alternatives?

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

Would be happy to help out with the parser for that bit.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Do you have an example you can share?

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

I'm still learning the ropes on how to effectively use COSMO with nwchem. I ran the following nw file that I've taken from one of their tutorials:

 title "h2o"  
 o                  .0000000000         .0000000000        -.0486020332  
 h                  .7545655371         .0000000000         .5243010666  
 h                 -.7545655371         .0000000000         .5243010666  
 o library 6-31g**  
 h library 6-31g**  
 dielec 78.0  
 radius 1.40  
 lineq  0  
task scf energy

The output is attached. Let me know if it makes sense h2o.txt .

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Not clear to me, can you extract the segment charge densities on the segments? I don't see that.

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

It seems to me that they don't have segment charge densities, Instead they have charge density on a specified set of grid points which might mean that some processing needs to be done to calculate the segment charge densities. I'm still validating the assumption. In the following paper, they seem to have figured it out.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Well, if you can figure out how to do it, I would be very interested. It would be nice to have a fully-open implementation from start to finish.

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

I've found that a xyz file is generate that is the charge density of the surface. Attached is an example. I'm not too knowledgeable but couldn't we use this directly to calculate the sigma profile? Instead of using segments? I guess not given that the sigma profile is e/A^2

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

I dunno. Can you ask on their forums? We need something like looks like one of the cosmo files:

mabounassif commented 2 years ago

After a lot of head banging, I've decided to use mopac. example.cos.txt

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

So now you need a parser for that file, and to re-parameterize all of COSMO-SAC. Good luck!

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

I was a little bit joking in my previous comment, but that is actually what is required.

tcxiaoma commented 6 months ago

Hi, I also encountered the same problem. What version of Dmol3(MS) should match the program?