usnistgov / ElectionResultsReporting

Common data format specification for election results reporting data
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Increase size of ShortString to 24 characters #10

Closed markcwal-google closed 6 years ago

markcwal-google commented 6 years ago

ShortString is specified as the type for "AnnotatedString", and is currently limited to 16 characters. This can be limiting for supporting annotations in some non-English languages, specifically German. Removing the limitation entirely may lead to using the field for purposes outside of its intended function, but it may be helpful to expand the max size to 24 (or even 32) characters.

johnpwack commented 6 years ago

Making it 32 is easy to do, no problem.

johnpwack commented 6 years ago

I have added this change as well as adding Round to VoteCounts and "recall" to BallotMeasureType.

johnpwack commented 6 years ago

Add, will upload new version.