usnistgov / ElectionResultsReporting

Common data format specification for election results reporting data
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Inconsistency between Figure 8 and ElectionResultsReportingV2.png #36

Closed sfsinger19103 closed 4 years ago

sfsinger19103 commented 4 years ago

In the word doc Figure 8 (Simplified UML Class Diagram), an arrow indicates that GpUnit is an instance of ReportingUnit. In the full UML Diagram (ElectionResultsReportingV2.png), the arrow goes the other way, indicating that ReportingUnit is an instance of GpUnit. Which is correct?

sfsinger19103 commented 4 years ago

Text on p. 28 of the word doc indicates that "ReportingUnit is a type of GpUnit".

JDziurlaj commented 4 years ago

The arrow of Figure 8 should be reversed.

JDziurlaj commented 4 years ago

Fixed in latest special publication.