usnistgov / FIPS201

Working draft of FIPS 201-3
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Further technical details in upcoming SP 800 documentation #514

Closed currydm closed 3 years ago

currydm commented 3 years ago

All Fields Are Required

Organization Name (N/A, if individual): Secure Technology Alliance

Organization Type (see below for codes): 2 - Industry

Reference (Include section/paragraph or pdf line number): 2.5 Line 631-633

Comment (Include rationale for comment): "With latest NIST facial recognition test surpassing both Iris and finger, it should be an alternate not secondary"

Suggested Change: The electronic facial image is a alternate means of authentication during operator-attended PIV issuance and maintenance processes. Further technical details in upcoming SP 800 documentation

Organization Type: 1 = Federal, 2 = Industry, 3 = Academia, 4 = Self, 5 = Other

hferraio commented 3 years ago

accept in principle

regenscheid commented 3 years ago

Tangentially related- in line 836, we specify that fingerprints are preferred over other biometrics. While making these changes, we could consider changing that line to remove "if unavailable."

jglosx3 commented 3 years ago

Accept in Principle - The text has been updated to allow electronic iris and facial images to be used as an additional means of authentication during PIV issuance and maintenance processes.