usnistgov / OSCAL

Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL)
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Support for "Rules" in OSCAL Models #1058

Open aj-stein-nist opened 2 years ago

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

User Story:

As an OSCAL tool developer, in order to ensure my software can document testing requirements that an information system must implement as one part of cumulative control implementation requirements, I would like enhancement to the OSCAL models to more explicitly define the concept of a rule as a first-class citizen. Modifications and new additions to OSCAL to tool developers to build software for users to give specific criteria to test for a specific kind of implementation implied by control requirements, and have such criteria expressed in OSCAL.




Acceptance Criteria

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

While reviewing the backlog today, usnistgov/OSCAL#821 seems related, but specifically focused on component-definitions. This story work is very similarly aligned, but perhaps greater in scope. User feedback this week indicates it might not be ideal to have such checks only or exclusive in a component, but more modeling work is needed to determine that.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

First things we ought to tackle:

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Discussed more with Dave today. Will begin by sketching out the "do rules fit into each of the OSCAL models conceptually?" question as well as gathering consensus on what the the relevant data elements are.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@david-waltermire-nist, I know we will have another backlog refinement in the near future, but you had asked if I am ready to pull this one into Sprint 49 if you and team are ready.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Notes from our last touch-base with interest community members.

My current action item: build information model outline with recommended changes to include the concepts of rules.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

NOTE: This draft is obsolete, please see the updated draft spec below.

~Proposed Information Model for rule~

Moving forward, we might suppose a rule can look like this:

A rule will be a summary explanation of mechanisms to evaluate and/or test amount of security and/or privacy information in OSCAL, including linkages to relevant controls. I specifically do not call out where rules should be inside a document instance of an OSCAL model yet because that is a separate discussed below.

Because a rule is an explicit mechanism to test or evaluate if a system satisfies a given statement, there are some obvious parts of the information model.

david-waltermire commented 2 years ago

A few questions:

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

A few questions:

* Given the above, if multiple rules are used to "satisfies-partially", how do you define the set of rules that "satisfies-completely"?

I think it will be up operator expertise, unfortunately. I was thinking about this a lot yesterday, and I have no good ideas on how we can determine that without some really complex semantics not in place yet.

But back to the actual question, you could use link/@href to point the implemented-requirement/statement (in the case of a component-definition for example) with a link/@rel bound to satisfies-completely and then set additional link/@hrefs for with the UUID fragements pointing to others independent rules that support that same implemented-requirement/statement and the link/@rel would be set to required-with. I know this leans heavily on link but I didn't know if we wanted new constructs here and additional complexity.

* How would you point to the rule or check implementation?

I think I need to flesh out an example, but that would be the origin construct. Is this a good reuse of such a construct or a bad one?

iMichaela commented 2 years ago

@aj-stein-nist and @david-waltermire-nist Would a numeric value associated with the rel for the satisfaction (aka percentage or score) make sense? In this way, an additive operation can be applied to identify the cumulative effect of partial satisfaction and aggregation towards satisfies-completely. The numeric values would be inputs from authoritative entities that can be identified through their ID, since it would be nice to know who decided this test satisfies 30% and not 80% Also, a field that would indicate this rule is part of a superset of rules what is the uuid of that superset might be nice.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@aj-stein-nist and @david-waltermire-nist Would a numeric value associated with the rel for the satisfaction (aka percentage or score) make sense?

Personally, I think it would be hard to measure and quantify, your question makes me believe maybe the satisfies- rel attributes need more thought. I meant it be qualitative and intended for expert human insight, but as I write this I realize that also might be too bold.

In this way, an additive operation can be applied to identify the cumulative effect of partial satisfaction and aggregation towards satisfies-completely.

I like the idea in principle but I have no idea how we could implement this in practice. Do you have any ideas around this? I too will reflect on it.

The numeric values would be inputs from authoritative entities that can be identified through their ID, since it would be nice to know who decided this test satisfies 30% and not 80% Also, a field that would indicate this rule is part of a superset of rules what is the uuid of that superset might be nice.

My intent with link/@rel="required-with" or link/@rel="recommended-with" was to allow for that through a tagging approach. In most instances, I find this more flexible. Are there downsides to this approach?

iMichaela commented 2 years ago

@aj-stein-nist I agree it allows for more flexibility, but I do not see a mechanism for identifying the completness or coverage of the superset of rules. A superset might still provide only partial coverage. Through the aggregation, the superset comprised of satisfies-partially rules could achieve satisfies-completely or still be satisfies-partially. Who makes the decission (e.g. role-id) and based on what evaluation mechanism to support consistent reproduceability? I am not saying a scoring or any numeric value will not factor in subjectivism, but at least it can provide a more accurate representation of the categorization (partial vs complete). Something a tool could parse, process (calculate), keep track of, and report. I am thinking one might want to include rules to carry on evaluation of the technology, without any level of testing or proof of the control sadisfaction. This scenario will provide 0% satisfaction for 800-53 control per 800-53A, but might support vulnerability scanning or alignment with CIS benchmark.

wendellpiez commented 2 years ago

Personally I think numbers are not a good way to represent such a value space. It is not even one-dimensional. Also, they can't reliably or meaningfully be treated as numbers (does satisfies="50" + satisfies "60" = satisfies "110"?) Simple labels are better in that they do not promise what they cannot deliver. If systems have actual ranked/numeric values in a taxonomy they wish to label things with, the model offers prop.

Noting however that the discussion on how to characterize linking semantics is a little different from the discussion on how to describe rules. The problem of describing the rules vs characterizing the relations between rules. For example, we have silently assumed the target of a link from a rule is another rule. But what if we want a link to point to a control or a statement inside a control, for reference (how do we do that)?

The discussion about the meaning of values of @rel makes sense only for links that are more tightly constrained than links in general (that is, links from one rule to another rule).

iMichaela commented 2 years ago

But what if we want a link to point to a control or a statement inside a control, for reference (how do we do that)?

@wendellpiez - Per our initial discussion, rules are associated with controls or statements of controls. I cannot picture a scenario when such a cyclic approach would be necessary (when a rule associated with a control or statement of control needs to link to another control). Do you have an example in mind?

does satisfies="50" + satisfies "60" = satisfies "110"?

It depends on the numeric value :). If it is 50% added to 60% you can only get 100%. If it is a different numeric value (a score) with a range of 0-200, then 50+60=110. If normalization will be necessary, then that can be done with a simple mathematical operation on the range. Do you have another approach that would support automation for aggregation and quantification of satisfaction degree, something GRC tools can implement? How will a bunch of satisfies-partially will be quantified? How will one assessor provide his perspective on satisfaction to another team member or system owner? I am open to better quantification solutions.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

I think both of you are making good points, @iMichaela and @wendellpiez, and I will likely adjust my draft recommendation to say the link/@rel can only be used to talk about possible relationships between independent rules (e.g. link/@rel="required-with" or link/@rel="recommended-with" or the others) and remove the idea of satisfaction markings we are discussing for this very reason. There is too much ambiguity.

I thought it might add value, for very specific assertions at the statement level, for a system owner or developer (not an assessor) to make very clear what they are and are not claiming about coverage of something. In addition to customer , I thought there might be value for very specific details of an implementation for such personas to point out "passing this rule check covers this specific detail of a statement on an implemented requirement for control AB-1 in its entirety" versus "for AB-1, passing this rule check is a good start, but we are not claiming that is enough and you have more work to do on your own (whether that is something else with the sub-system I provide or someone else, that is for us to discern somewhere else)."

I do not think there will be satisfactory answers to these questions at this point and it will get more difficult moving forward.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

I have continued trying to formulate examples, and it seems trying to reuse the origin and subject assemblies from elsewhere might not work so well, structurally. That, in addition to the feedback above, probably warrants an update in the design of the rule object proposed above.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Trying to work backwards and come up with some examples now.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

NOTE: This draft is obsolete, please see the updated draft spec below.

~Proposed Information Model for rule~

Moving forward, we might suppose a rule can look like this:

A rule will be a summary explanation of mechanisms to evaluate and/or test amount of security and/or privacy information in OSCAL, including linkages to relevant controls. I specifically do not call out where rules should be inside a document instance of an OSCAL model yet because that is a separate discussed below.

Because a rule is an explicit mechanism to test or evaluate if a system satisfies a given statement, there are some obvious parts of the information model.

wendellpiez commented 2 years ago

Are we allowed to debate names yet? I like the model so far. I like the migration of the settings from link to prop.

Is condition-target a subject? The idea with task/subject, associated-activity/subject is that these are inline descriptions (which could have links) as opposed to simply links to other (first-class) OSCAL objects. As against that use case ('rule' vs description of an assessment task), obviously requiring them to be links to first-class objects has processing implications perhaps good ones. But the boundary seems a bit blurry. (Is a rule an abstraction of a task?)

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Are we allowed to debate names yet?


I like the model so far. I like the migration of the settings from link to prop.

Great, thanks for saying so.

Is condition-target a subject? The idea with task/subject, associated-activity/subject is that these are inline descriptions (which could have links) as opposed to simply links to other (first-class) OSCAL objects. As against that use case ('rule' vs description of an assessment task), obviously requiring them to be links to first-class objects has processing implications perhaps good ones. But the boundary seems a bit blurry. (Is a rule an abstraction of a task?)

The reason I moved away from that, @wendellpiez, is it could or could not be an abstraction over an (assessment task), dependent upon other future design decisions about what elements in what models it can refer to; task/subject, associated-activity/subject are constrained in that way. But rules do behave similar to them insomuch as they are " inline descriptions (which could have links) as opposed to simply links to other (first-class) OSCAL objects" but cannot point to a known predetermined list of ref sites. It was hard to reason about this when pointing rules to an associated-activity/subject, for example. This is why I backed out of using the subject and tasks constructs, because they are dependent on referring specific entities with @uuid identifiers that must precisely exist in specific models. Rules might be more haphazard than that.

(Ironically, this whole paragraph is a summary of yesterday's thought process around the id, uuid, id-ref conversation with you and why I struggled to explain why my previous design was hard to practice with an example.)

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Updated some more examples above. More examples to come, and maybe gathering up documents on use cases more concretely over the next week.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@stephenbanghart, last we chatted you had discussed interest in this draft to add recommended features to one or more OSCAL models. The current draft design, with some examples embedded in a component, are available for review and public comment. Feedback welcome!

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Added some more examples. I am also tracking component-definitions and other XML samples in the following fork branch of the oscal-content repo.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

In today's developer meeting, Dave discussed an emerging standard around remote attestation of system facts, RATS. I will look into this for potential overlap or improvements that can inform this work, especially around rules and rule checks regarding automated testing to support assessment objectives in some cases.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Also in the developer meeting, @JJediny resurfaced (at least for me) InSpec profiles developed, maintained, and operated by MITRE and CMS as part of application of the MITRE Security Automation Framework for instrumenting manual assessment results alongside automated network, cloud infrastructure, and system posture testing.

Consider looking into some more interesting examples around embedding parameterized rule sets for the manual security testing scenarios.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Had a very constructive conversation with @stephenbanghart and will have to work about understanding of overlap/conflicts with the following portions of the assessment-plan and assessment-results models.

flickerfly commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of bringing this concept to the front. Would a CCI represent a "rule" for those of us in a DISA context?

I'm trying to think about modeling a potential continuous authorization for software. Would a single software pipeline filled with various tools evaluating conditions be represented as its own CDef? In a cATO model, I'm assuming the pipeline gets the authorization and the output of it inherits the provided authorization. If pipeline =/= CDef, how would it be best to represent the relationship of the various tasks within the pipeline to that pipeline? It seems like a pipeline == rule is insufficient in granularity since the pipline represents a host of checks for compliance with a host of rules. Does this fall to dumping a pipeline ID into condition-evaluator\@props for each rule?

Is this in any way related to the idea of mapping controls to things like CCIs that I've heard is coming in 1.1? Thank you for indulging my questions while I do not yet fully grok all that OSCAL is.

david-waltermire commented 2 years ago

@aj-stein-nist and @stephenbanghart Given the outline above and the notes from your conversation, we should consider reusing the actor assembly from the OSCAL assessment plan/results model in place of condition-evaluator. Also, use of assessment-subject might be a useful replacement for condition-target.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@david-waltermire-nist, sorry I had not updated comments as I have worked on this. I am trying to work through examples of my own for assessment-plan and assessment-results with two intents:

  1. What you requested in the previous comment, considering the move from an existing assembly definitions in the SAP and SAR models.
  2. Preparing supporting documents to explain the difference between rule constructs and what else exists in the SAP and SAR models, aka: we have SAP and SAR, why must a rule exist?
aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Some updated direction from community feedback received yesterday:

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

So I apologize, @flickerfly, I had held off on responding. On some of these questions I still don't have good answers. I held off a while, but I have been thinking about them a lot as of late, so I thought now was the time.

I like the idea of bringing this concept to the front. Would a CCI represent a "rule" for those of us in a DISA context?

I guess yes and no. Funny enough, I had never read the official definition of CCI from the DISA website itself, just used them for a long time. So, what does the website say? It says "[t]he Control Correlation Identifier (CCI) provides a standard identifier and description for each of the singular, actionable statements that comprise an IA control or IA best practice. CCI bridges the gap between high-level policy expressions and low-level technical implementations."

So a rule also wants to be a standard identifier and description (in OSCAL), so we have that in common, yes!

CCIs are "designed to be identify each of the singular, actionable statements that comprise an IA control" and they do seem to do that. "That" here might not be good enough. I am not sure if the wording around statements and controls was intentional, but one of the major challenges with how CCI data (separate of its design) is developed, maintained and operationalized is that it only targets the control. I am surprised to see the definition says "statements of an IA control" but in practice that rarely seems to happen. Often, CCI maps are still high level. Let's look at an example.

With 800-53 Revision 4 AC-2(9), we have some CCIs that are usable: CCI-002140, CCI-002141, et cetera. Notice these go into what people call "sub-controls" and they have to reference content to a parameter in the parent control (AC-2 (e) and its parameter). CCIs don't really get that specific. One of the problems is that lack of specificity, flexibility, and the ability to map into multiple items. I am not sure if the issue was bad data, I usually see just CCI metadata point to AC-2(9) and not AC-2(9).1 and AC-2(9).2. I will keep on examining this, but in a prior working group prior to full-time employment with NIST and this project, I bumped up against this problem a few times.

So, that was a mouthful, what does this boil down from analysis and CCI and real-world usage that I have experienced? Why not just shove CCI in OSCAL?

Feedback welcome! But this was a very insightful question you asked, I think I want to put together some information for a later data focusing on the "Why not CCI?" question.

I'm trying to think about modeling a potential continuous authorization for software. Would a single software pipeline filled with various tools evaluating conditions be represented as its own CDef? In a cATO model, I'm assuming the pipeline gets the authorization and the output of it inherits the provided authorization. If pipeline =/= CDef, how would it be best to represent the relationship of the various tasks within the pipeline to that pipeline? It seems like a pipeline == rule is insufficient in granularity since the pipline represents a host of checks for compliance with a host of rules. Does this fall to dumping a pipeline ID into condition-evaluator\@props for each rule?

So this is the question, the more I think about it, I still do not have a good answer. It made me think and go back to the drawing board on some things, hence my lack of response. This came up again yesterday in a review meeting about my current draft design, and there is a question about grouping. I guess for now in this reply my reply is: stay tuned!

Is this in any way related to the idea of mapping controls to things like CCIs that I've heard is coming in 1.1? Thank you for indulging my questions while I do not yet fully grok all that OSCAL is.

Given my comment about a meeting about this yesterday, we are going to determine how that should be handled in this work in the short-term and make it a key requirement of the first design or defer it.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Another important piece of feedback from Dave regarding this issue, consider how OSCAL does/doesn't and should/shouldn't model checklists and configuration baselines as native OSCAL objects. Is that expressible as rules in OSCAL. Can a checklist or configuration baseline be grouped somehow to represent all the rules as a single entity like that checklist or baseline?

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Received some feedback from community members and questions about the the Controls Assessment Specification. Will need to think about some of the more difficult questions and conditionals in a rule given examples cited. Reviewing this as an additional resource.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Did some more review and trying to work on some examples to prove myself right or wrong on:

This still requires going through more SAP/SAR work, potentially connecting it to popular automation tools. Will continue on this through next week.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Presented on this as the OSCAL Model Meeting on 21 January 2022. Got some feedback.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@david-waltermire-nist I have two branches that I will surface as WIP PRs for this work to be easier to find

One point: the reason usnistgov/oscal-content#94 is breaking on test is in usnistgov/OSCAL#1160 I have only committed model changes, not schema updates or doc updates into the tree, just the ./src/ changes to make the PR readable and easy to sift through at WIP stage. Others appear to do this as well, but will break tests (it is obviously not on main branch where GH Actions will auto-update and "clean up after me" so to speak). Is that ok for now?

Another point: with GH I cannot create a "Linked Issue" linkage from the oscal-content repo to here; I do not have perms to do some in oscal-content repo. Not sure you want me to have higher access or not. Lemme know!

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Proposed Information Model for rule as of February 2022

Moving forward, we might suppose a rule can look like this:

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Ok, we have more feedback from today's model review, redux in Part 2 in the Model Meeting on 4 February 2022.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Woops, the presentation updates were useful, but the issue is far from done. My bad, I configured the PR linkage incorrectly. Feedback still welcome!

JJediny commented 2 years ago

Participants want more clarity around whether a rule must be linked to controls as a form of supporting evidence or not

I think this issue might be getting too broad, it's hard to understand the relationship between the catalog (NIST 800-53 r5 moderate for example) to the component to the assessment schema now proposed rule. A working example of the inheritance/ref between each as proposed seems necessary.

Participants asked if the rules, by virtue of the name, are meant to be declarative (describe how a system state is), imperative (run an action and give a result), or interrogative (ask the system, through some means a question and expect a result). The answer is, any or all those things. Different security tools reflect different modalities.

There could be some syntax developed to flag that type of action needed to validate/attest: Our agencies uses

Examine Interview Test
Independently verify (pentest etc) review with the system owner to attest w/ artifact automatically validate via a script/testing framework/etc with artifact gatherable on demand
aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Per sync meeting with users, add a minimal example that exercises the schema in the structure with less realistic data to show the mechanics of the rule.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Work around better explanation of rule overview and use cases draft started here to address feedback from model meeting and comments such as

vikas-agarwal76 commented 2 years ago

@aj-stein-nist I looked at the schema for rules and the examples. Here are some thoughts -

degenaro commented 2 years ago

component-definition-for-AJ-3.json.gz Component Definition "rules" use case. Sample component-definition showing use of remarks to link related rule (goal) properties to each other and link related check properties to each other using the remarks field. Rules and checks as properties sets are related to each other by virtue of co-location within the same implemented-requirement for a control. Notice the set of valid values for each parameter as well as the recommended value. An improved representation for the relationships between controls-rules-checks and associated parameters in NIST OSCAL is what we hope for.

david-waltermire commented 2 years ago

A set of use cases are also documented. Feedback is appreciated.

guyzyl commented 2 years ago

I know this is kind of a long shot, but how about using some kind of open source CI/CD schema for the rules definitions? (or at lease support its embedding). There are a lot of edge cases when it come to defining rules, their logic, and the logic between them. Embedding a ready made format will not only solve this, but will also enable to actually execute the rules defined (which would be pretty cool).

Just for the sake of conversation, Dagger can be a good candidate for this. It's relatively new but fully open source and made by the guys behind Docker.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

First off, apologies for not responding to this sooner. Usually, I try to be better about this. 😢

I know this is kind of a long shot, but how about using some kind of open source CI/CD schema for the rules definitions? (or at lease support its embedding). There are a lot of edge cases when it come to defining rules, their logic, and the logic between them. Embedding a ready made format will not only solve this, but will also enable to actually execute the rules defined (which would be pretty cool).

I think this is an important point and consideration to make. The ongoing design (and now re-design) of the rules/test/conditions flow is to support indirectly embedding one or more pieces of data written against such a separate (non-OSCAL) schema through structured linking. The idea would be to allow you to define rules with a certain level of specificity (goal) and then define one or more implementations (independent of OSCAL models and instances). How to achieve that goal (identifying the tool to check the goal is met, where to execute it, and/or what parameters to execute it with) would be the test.

If you mean directly embed non-OSCAL content (defined against a different schema) into OSCAL JSON or XML or YAML, that would require the any data and construct that was removed from OSCAL before the final v1.0.0 release based on community feedback.

We feel this linkage approach is flexible enough, but also allows for OSCAL tool developers to recommend or require proper annotation of how you would execute rules and their logic at the OSCAL layer, while requiring people to rewrite existing tools and logic completely from scratch. Is there some challenge or downside gained from directly embedding content? Am I understanding your point correctly?

Just for the sake of conversation, Dagger can be a good candidate for this. It's relatively new but fully open source and made by the guys behind Docker.

Ironically, separately of this I had begun to look into and experimenting with it (separate from NIST and/or OSCAL work) once I heard the interview of the founders and developers on the podcast. I am learning more about it, but it is nascent and the Cue configuration language appears to be very difficult to directly embed into JSON or XML or YAML unless you just stringify it as a large opaque blob. Do you have a use a scenario or example you intend to use it for and how rules would benefit from directly embedding it (if that is what you meant for the sake of conversation)?

Thanks for the insights and humoring my very tardy reply.

franzling commented 2 years ago

Following the discussions with @iMichaela and as participant of the MEDINA project ( I would like to share my view on OSCAL rules and how they could be utilized by different parties.

MEDINA metrics are currently defined as (small changes might occur in the future):

The goal of MEDINA metrics is similar to the OSCAL rules - enable (semi-)automatic assessment and continuous compliance to security schemes. The MEDINA data model has some parallels to the OSCAL structure, so building import/export to OSCAL could be beneficial to users (see public deliverables MEDINA data model (Section 5.2, D5.1) Using the structure as above enables users of MEDINA to translate the metrics into assessment rules that can be handled by different assessment tools. The assessment results can be used for continuous compliance checks and issuing certificates.

The metric metadata can be used to create the MEDINA assessment rules (Rego code but can in theory also be used to create different executable rules e.g. inspec. Adding the MEDINA metric data structure to the OSCAL rule would enable easy exchange between tools and building catalogues of metrics/rules. The latter can be utilized to reuse assessments of rules for different security schemes that map to the same metric. Using the MEDINA metric recommender would aid to reach the full potential of such metric catalogues.

Maybe the following mapping helps to introduce you to some differences and my understanding of the terms. OSCAL - MEDINA "rule" - "metric" "rule checks?" - "assessment results" "?" - "assessment rule" # e.g. executable rego code

I am interested on how this could fit into the OSCAL structure and where - condition-test, or as props? MEDINA metrics are aggregated per requirement, but every metric is targeted to measure a single target of certification part.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

I am interested on how this could fit into the OSCAL structure and where - condition-test, or as props? MEDINA metrics are aggregated per requirement, but every metric is targeted to measure a single target of certification part.

Seems interesting. There are some others (I believe in the Cloud Security Alliance that @iMichaela has alluded to and met with) that are similarly interested in the applicability of rules to metrics definition and collection for an information security program defined through OSCAL.

I will have to review your D5.1 document and your proposed data structure above. We are currently modeling the details at the layer of detail above this recommendation, so to speak, so I will want to circle back on this when we focus on the interior design of rule and test soon.

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

Per request from participants in the Model Review meeting on June 6, 2022, I am attaching the slides from today's presentation on the rules updates.


degenaro commented 2 years ago

As I commented during your presentation this looks like a good start; hopefully the resulting OSCAL will enable expression of the simple case (e.g. 1 rule --> 1 test) simply.