usnistgov / OSCAL

Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL)
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Improved Diagrams to OSCAL Rules Relationship to SDLC and DevSecOps #1188

Open aj-stein-nist opened 2 years ago

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

User Story:

As an OSCAL stakeholder, I want to see clearer workflow diagram (as part of documentation for usnistgov/OSCAL#1058, and snapshot draft in usnistgov/OSCAL#1068) to explain the relationship of OSCAL generally, and the rules construct in particular, to the SDLC and DevSecOps lifecycles.


The current diagram we would like to improve upon is below.

DevSecops Lifecycle

Some improvements we would like to see in a new derivative diagram, reiterated from the current draft of the document:

We need a figure 8 diagram similar to the above with the following steps. "Development" will be on the left. "Operations" will be on the right. "Security" surrounds the figure 8.

Development: (provider-focused)

Operations: (consumer-focused)


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Acceptance Criteria

{The items above are general acceptance criteria for all User Stories. Please describe anything else that must be completed for this issue to be considered resolved.}

aj-stein-nist commented 2 years ago

@david-waltermire-nist is this close to what you had in mind? I added it to the triage list for tomorrow.

Rene2mt commented 2 years ago

Per today's model review, I wonder if the "development (provider-focused)" should be described as follows:

wendellpiez commented 2 years ago


Here is an SVG path that could be used as the basis for an 'infinity loop' diagram....