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How to track and communicate on specific development topics in our work? (Part 2) #1688

Open aj-stein-nist opened 1 year ago

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a NIST or community OSCAL developer, in order to understand the current state of work, I would like to know how a certain development issue (rules, customer responsibility matrix, a large topic in ongoing development) is communicated cohesively: a summary of that topic of work, the related epic or epics, and the issues within one or more epics to understand the progression of work and what parts are "done."

This issue will focus on rounding out work started in #1496 and focus on the pending work items described in comment



Acceptance Criteria

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

This is sadly overdue, to work in Sprint 67 or we need to find an interim solution before the sprint in which we next schedule this work.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

I would like to start on this soon. I have looked at what Chris and Michaela are doing with DEFINE, so that will be a good starting point and I will hope to align with that. :-)

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

For now Arminta will help but A.J. will drive this issue.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

I have bumped up the priority of this from Moderate to High because before, during, and after the conference at the end of May messaging around this will be increasingly important.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

I need to sync up with @Arminta-Jenkins-NIST this afternoon but I have spent spare time between non-OSCAL work researching how different projects communicate current work and medium/long-term roadmaps, particularly open-source projects for data formats and specifications generally, and particularly those in the cybersecurity domain. I will include a list of some of those for reference for colleagues and community members following this issue.

I also have started to look at a few that are not specific to cybersecurity.

Many of them use GitHub to track day-to-day technical work in the form of issues. Most repositories make use of these issues with labels. Very few, if any, use the GitHub Projects boards (the classic or new stable v2 version). The associated repos for these efforts that do use project boards make sparing use of them, many have infrequent usage or are completely stale. The one exception I found lately is SLSA.

In terms of roadmap, the in-toto project does store the roadmap and the quarterly as Markdown files in their repo and it is worth considering.

UPDATE: I also really enjoyed this roadmap as communicated for the Unison project.

Arminta-Jenkins-NIST commented 1 year ago

I've started on a comprehensive list of suggested objectives/themes to sort the development topics. Please see the following hackMD.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

@Arminta-Jenkins-NIST I wanted to provide some more detailed examples of what level of detail I think we need. Let me know what you think. We should catch up later today or early next week. Still very much a work in progress but let's catch up soon.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

Need to meet with team and move this forward adjusting for feedback.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

@aj-stein-nist needs to work with Chris to integrate research topics with the value stream concept (if we move forward with that), brief the time, make a decision as a group, move forward in the next 1-2 weeks.

aj-stein-nist commented 1 year ago

I had a series of internal meetings and did work research on better layering a communications approach. Draft ADR, minimalist example, and more to follow.

aj-stein-nist commented 9 months ago

Moving to Sprint 77 with related #1910, both are incomplete.

aj-stein-nist commented 9 months ago

Although this is not technically started, it will be prudent to handle this with #1910, which is very close to done. We will talk about moving this forward in sprint planning.

aj-stein-nist commented 8 months ago

This issue was discussed at length in coordination with #1910. This needs to be moved forward, with #1910 as a primary target of integrating into the board and communicating on those specific development topics. More to follow tomorrow.

iMichaela commented 8 months ago

HackMD where work was started:

Compton-US commented 8 months ago

Narrowing the scope on this issue a bit from the original broad scope team communication. For closing this issue out, we need to review 1910 and check off items that we already have tutorial content for.

For items that are not checked off, we need to review and create issues as necessary to plan the creation of new/updated content related to each of the value streams.