usnistgov / REFPROP-cmake

Small repo with CMake build system for building REFPROP shared library
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Closed mschmeid closed 1 year ago

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

Just following up here as requested. I understand that refpropm is no longer supported but some of the code I am working with is legacy and converting to python would require extensive modifications. Are you saying that there is no way to get refpropm working for Linux?

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

refpropm is indeed deprecated. Can you please show the code you ran?

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

The code is a very large matlab nodal code that uses REFPROP to obtain thermodynamic properties. I don't think I can post it here but it is about 30000 lines so these would have to be rewritten to work in python.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

I mean can you try a very simple example, like this one:

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Make sure that works first

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

So I created a folder and placed the mixtures and fluids folders in it. I also placed the cmake library, refpropm, and the header file in. The calllib function call on line 295 of refpropm crashes matlab for some reason. Do the instructions on the cmake readme not work? I have created the library. The final step of telling the computer where to find it is what I am unsure of?

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Please show the code you tried to run.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Note REFPROP expects to be found in $HOME/refprop:

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

This is the refpropm version I have. I simply then used the function call:

as per the instructions.
% refpropm  Thermophysical properties of pure substances and mixtures.
%   Calling sequence for pure substances:
%      result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, substance1)
%   Calling predefined mixtures:
%      result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, mixture1)
%   Calling user defined mixtures:
%      result=refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2,
%                                           substance1, substance2, ..., x)
%   where
%       prop_req    character string showing the requested properties
%                   Each property is represented by one character:
%                           0   Refprop DLL version number
%                           A   Speed of sound [m/s]
%                           B   Volumetric expansivity (beta) [1/K]
%                           C   Cp [J/(kg K)]
%                           D   Density [kg/m^3]
%                           F   Fugacity [kPa] (returned as an array)
%                           G   Gross heating value [J/kg]
%                           H   Enthalpy [J/kg]
%                           I   Surface tension [N/m]
%                           J   Isenthalpic Joule-Thompson coeff [K/kPa]
%                           K   Ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv) [-]
%                           L   Thermal conductivity [W/(m K)]
%                           M   Molar mass [g/mol]
%                           N   Net heating value [J/kg]
%                           O   Cv [J/(kg K)]
%                           P   Pressure [kPa]
%                           Q   Quality (vapor fraction) (kg/kg)
%                           S   Entropy [J/(kg K)]
%                           T   Temperature [K]
%                           U   Internal energy [J/kg]
%                           V   Dynamic viscosity [Pa*s]
%                           X   Liquid phase & gas phase comp.(mass frac.)
%                           Y   Heat of Vaporization [J/kg]
%                           Z   Compressibility factor
%                           $   Kinematic viscosity [cm^2/s]
%                           %   Thermal diffusivity [cm^2/s]
%                           ^   Prandtl number [-]
%                           )   Adiabatic bulk modulus [kPa]
%                           |   Isothermal bulk modulus [kPa]
%                           =   Isothermal compressibility [1/kPa]
%                           ~   Cstar [-]
%                           `   Throat mass flux [kg/(m^2 s)]
%                           +   Liquid density of equilibrium phase
%                           -   Vapor density of equilibrium phase
%                           [   Liquid spinodal density [kg/m^3]
%                           ]   Vapor spinodal density [kg/m^3]
%                           {   Dielectric constant 
%                           E   dP/dT (along the saturation line) [kPa/K]
%                           #   dP/dT     (constant rho) [kPa/K]
%                           R   d(rho)/dP (constant T)   [kg/m^3/kPa]
%                           W   d(rho)/dT (constant p)   [kg/(m^3 K)]
%                           !   dH/d(rho) (constant T)   [(J/kg)/(kg/m^3)]
%                           &   dH/d(rho) (constant P)   [(J/kg)/(kg/m^3)]
%                           (   dH/dT     (constant P)   [J/(kg K)]
%                           @   dH/dT     (constant rho) [J/(kg K)]
%                           *   dH/dP     (constant T)   [J/(kg kPa)]
%       spec1           first input character:  T, P, H, D, C, R, or M
%                         T, P, H, D:  see above
%                         C:  properties at the critical point
%                         R:  properties at the triple point
%                         M:  properties at Tmax and Pmax
%                            (Note: if a fluid's lower limit is higher
%                             than the triple point, the lower limit will
%                             be returned)
%       value1          first input value
%       spec2           second input character:  P, D, H, S, U or Q
%       value2          second input value
%       substance1      file name of the pure fluid (or the first
%                       component of the mixture)
%       mixture1        file name of the predefined fluid mixture
%                       with the extension ".mix" included
%       substance2,substance3,...substanceN
%                       name of the other substances in the
%                       mixture. Up to 20 substances can be handled.
%                       Valid substance names are equal to the file names
%                       in the C:\Program Files\REFPROP\fluids\' directory.
%       x               vector with mass fractions of the substances
%                       in the mixture.
%   Examples:
%   1) P = refpropm('P','T',373.15,'Q',0,'water') gives
%      Vapor pressure of water at 373.15 K in [kPa]
%   2) [S,Cp] = refpropm('SC','T',373.15,'Q',1,'water') gives
%      Entropy and Cp of saturated steam at 373.15 K
%   3) D = refpropm('D','T',323.15,'P',1e2,'water','ammonia',[0.9 0.1])
%      Density of a 10% ammonia/water solution at 100 kPa and 323.15 K.
%   4) [x,y] = refpropm('X','P',5e2,'Q',0.4,'R134a','R32',[0.8, 0.2])
%      Temperature as well as gas and liquid compositions for a mixture
%      of two refrigerants at a certain pressure and quality.
%      Note that, when 'X' is requested, two variables must be sent, the
%      first contains the liquid phase composition and the second
%      the vapor phase composition.
%   5) T=refpropm('T','C',0,' ',0,'water')
%      Critical temperature
%   6) T=refpropm('T','M',0,' ',0,'r410a.mix')
%      Maximum temperature that can be used to call properties.
%      Shows how to call a predefined mixture.
% Originally based on the file refpropm.f90.
% Credits:
%   Paul M. Brown, Ramgen Power Systems, Inc.               2004-05-17
%        Modified input parameters to make 'HS' calls
%        Interface now handles 'HP', 'HD' and 'HT' as well
%        Fixed P_rp calculation  for spec2='P' case (moved calc earlier)
%        Added property requests for Cv (O), gamma (K) and speed of sound (A)
%   Johannes Lux, German Aerospace Center                   2006-03-30
%       Modified input pressure unit back to [Pa]
%       Interface now works with Matlab R2006a (.mexw32 file format instead of .dll file format)
%       Continuation lines modified to be compatible with Compaq Visual Fortran 9.0
%       No wrong results return with the first call anymore
%       Changed name to "refpropm.f90" to avoid name conflicts with Matlab
%       Function call is for example:
%       refpropm(prop_req, spec1, value1, spec2, value2, substance1)
%       Fluid files are located in C:\Program Files\REFPROP\fluids\
%       new version 7.2 beta, compiled using Matlab R2006a (2006-10-08)
%       new version 7.2 beta (2006-10-24), compiled using Matlab R2006a
%       new version 8.0 beta (2007-01-18), compiled using Matlab R2006b
%       Modified input pressure unit back to [kPa] (2007-02-22)
%   Chris Muzny, NIST
%       made changes for 2009a compatibility and 64-bit execution
%   Eric Lemmon, NIST
%       allow .ppf files to be loaded
%       allow .mix files to be loaded
%       add molar mass, heating values
%       add HQ input, critical parameters
%       add fugacity, beta, dH/d(rho)
%   Keith Wait, Ph.D, GE Appliances                         2011-07-01
%       Translated to Matlab native code, known to work against Matlab
%       2010b.  Fortran compiler no longer necessary to add new properties,
%       make other modifications.
%       Added outputs B, E, F, J, and R.
%       HQ input regressed.

function varargout = refpropm( varargin )
persistent RefpropLoadedState % use persistent variable to store the state

ierr = 0;
q = 999; % Vapor quality (0: saturated liquid, 1: saturated vapor)
e = 0; % Internal energy (J/mol)
h = 0; % Enthalpy (J/mol)
s = 0; % Entropy (J/mol/K)
cv = 0; % Constant-volume specific heat (J/mol/K)
cp = 0; % Constant-pressure specific heat (J/mol/K)
w = 0; % Speed of sound (m/s)
phaseFlag = 0;

libName = 'refprop';
dllName = 'REFPROP.dll';

% Input Sanity Checking
nc_base = 5;
if (nargin == 6)
    numComponents = 1;
elseif (nargin < 6)
    error('Too few input arguments, should be 6 or more');
elseif (nargin > 26)
    error('Too many input arguments');
    numComponents = nargin - nc_base - 1;

fluidType = [varargin{5+(1:numComponents)}];

% Load DLL
loaded = libisloaded(libName);
if ~loaded || isempty(RefpropLoadedState)
    FluidDir = 'FLUIDS/';
    switch computer
        case {'GLNXA64', 'GLNX86', 'MACI', 'MACI64', 'SOL64'}
            BasePath = strcat(getenv('HOME'),'/refprop/');
            dllName = '';
            switch computer
                case {'MACI','MACI64'}
                    dllName = 'librefprop.dylib';
            FluidDir = lower(FluidDir);

            if strcmp(computer, 'PCWIN64')
                BasePath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/REFPROP/';
                dllName = 'REFPRP64.dll';
                if strcmp(computer, 'PCWIN32') || strcmp(computer, 'PCWIN')
                    BasePath = 'C:/Program Files/REFPROP/';
                    dllName = 'REFPROP.dll';
                    error(strcat('Architecture[',computer,'] is not understood'));
    % v=char(calllib('REFPROP','RPVersion',zeros(255,1))'); % Useful for debugging...
    RefpropLoadedState = struct('FluidType', 'none', 'BasePath', BasePath, 'FluidDir', FluidDir, 'nComp', 0, 'mixFlag', 0, 'z_mix', 0);

    if ~loaded
        prototype = get_header_path();

        w = warning('query');
            % Start by trying system resolution to find library
            [~,~] = loadlibrary(dllName,prototype,'alias',libName);
        catch ME
            % the following returns:
            % 0 if REFPROP shared library does not exist,
            % 1 if refprop.dll is a variable name in the workspace,
            % 2 if C:\Program Files (x86)\REFPROP\refprop.dll exist, and 3 if refprop.dll exist but is a .dll file in the MATLAB path
            if ~ismember(exist(strcat(BasePath, dllName),'file'),[2 3])
                dllName = lower(dllName);
            if ~ismember(exist(strcat(BasePath, dllName),'file'),[2 3])
                error(strcat(dllName,' could not be found at the absolute path: ',strcat(BasePath, dllName),'.  Please edit the refpropm.m file and add your path to the lines above this error message.'));
            [~,~] = loadlibrary(strcat(BasePath,dllName),prototype,'alias',libName);

% Uncomment this line to see what functions were exported, along
% with input/output arguments
% ---
%libfunctionsview refprop

% Prepare REFPROP
if ~strcmpi(fluidType, RefpropLoadedState.FluidType)
    fluidFile = '';
    RefpropLoadedState.FluidType = '';
    RefpropLoadedState.mixFlag = 0;
    setappdata(0, 'RefpropLoadedState', RefpropLoadedState);
    if strfind(lower(fluidType), '.mix') ~= 0
        RefpropLoadedState.mixFlag = 1;
        fluidName = fluidType;

        fluidFile = strcat(RefpropLoadedState.BasePath, 'mixtures/',fluidName);
        hmxnme = char(32*ones(1,255)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        hmxnme(1:length(fluidFile)) = fluidFile;
        mixFile = strcat(RefpropLoadedState.BasePath, ...
            RefpropLoadedState.FluidDir, 'hmx.bnc');
        hmix = char(32*ones(1,255)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        hmix(1:length(mixFile)) = mixFile;
        href = 'DEF';
        herr = char(32*ones(1,255)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        ncc = 1;
        [~,~,~,nc,~,z,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'SETMIXdll',hmxnme,hmix,href,ncc,char(32*ones(1,10000)),zeros(1,20),ierr,herr,255,255,3,10e3,255);

        for i = 1:numComponents
            if ~contains(lower(fluidName),'.fld')
                if ~contains(lower(fluidName),'.ppf')
                    fluidName = strcat(fluidName,'.fld');
            fluidFile = strcat(fluidFile, RefpropLoadedState.BasePath, ...

        path = char(32*zeros(1,10000)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        path(1:length(fluidFile)) = fluidFile;
        mixFile = strcat(RefpropLoadedState.BasePath, RefpropLoadedState.FluidDir, 'HMX.BNC');
        hmix = char(32*ones(1,255)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        hmix(1:length(mixFile)) = mixFile;
        href = 'DEF';
        herr = char(32*ones(1,255)); % Pad out the string with spaces (32: ASCII code for space)
        [nc,~,~,~,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'SETUPdll',numComponents,path,hmix,href,0,herr,10000,255,3,255);
        z = 1;
        % Uncomment the next line to enable the use of AGA EOS for all
        % components in the mixture
        % [ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'SETAGAdll',0,herr,255);
    if (ierr > 0)
%Use the call to PREOSdll to change the equation of state to Peng Robinson for all calculations.
%To revert back to the normal REFPROP EOS and models, call it again with an input of 0.
%   [~] = calllib(libName,'PREOSdll',2);

%To enable better and faster calculations of saturation states, call the
%subroutine SATSPLN.  However, this routine takes several seconds, and
%should be disabled if changing the fluids regularly.
% herr = char(32*ones(1,255));
% [~,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'SATSPLNdll', z, 0, herr, 255);

% Use the following line to calculate enthalpies and entropies on a reference state
% based on the currently defined mixture, or to change to some other reference state.
% The routine does not have to be called, but doing so will cause calculations
% to be the same as those produced from the graphical interface for mixtures.
%   [href,~,~,~,~,~,ierr2,errTxt] = calllib(libName, 'SETREFdll', href, 2, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, char(32*ones(255,1)), 3, 255);

    RefpropLoadedState.z_mix = z;
    RefpropLoadedState.nComp = nc;
    RefpropLoadedState.FluidType = lower(fluidType);

numComponents = RefpropLoadedState.nComp;

% Extract Inputs from Varargin
propReq = lower(varargin{1});
propTyp1 = lower(varargin{2});
propTyp2 = lower(varargin{4});

propVal1 = varargin{3};
propVal2 = varargin{5};

if length(propVal1) ~= 1
    error('First input value must have a length of 1');
if length(propVal2) ~= 1
    error('Second input value must have a length of 1');

herr = char(32*ones(1,255));

if length(propReq)==2
    if propReq(2)=='>'
        propReq = propReq(1);
    elseif propReq(2)=='<'
        propReq = propReq(1);

% Calculate Molar Mass
if numComponents == 1
    z = 1;
elseif RefpropLoadedState.mixFlag == 0
    z_kg = cell2mat(varargin(nargin));
    if length(z_kg) ~= numComponents
        error('Mass fraction must be given for all components');
    elseif abs(sum(z_kg)-1) > 1e-12
        error('Mass fractions must sum to 1');
    [~,z,~] = calllib(libName,'XMOLEdll',z_kg,zeros(1,numComponents),0);
elseif RefpropLoadedState.mixFlag == 1
    z = RefpropLoadedState.z_mix;
[~,molw] = calllib(libName,'WMOLdll',z,0);
molw = molw*1e-3; % [kg/mol]

% Sanity Check Provided Property Types
if propTyp1 == propTyp2
    error('Provided values are the same type');

varargout = cell(size(propReq));

switch propTyp1
    case 'p'
        P_rp = propVal1;
    case 't'
        T = propVal1;
    case 'd'
        D_rp = propVal1 * 1e-3 / molw;
    case 'h'
        h = propVal1 * molw;
    case 's'
        s = propVal1 * molw;
    case 'u'
        e = propVal1 * molw;
    case 'c'
      if numComponents == 1
     [~,~,~,~,T,P_rp,D_rp,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'INFOdll', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         [~,T,P_rp,D_rp,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'CRITPdll', z, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
      [~,~,~,~,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    case 'r'
      % Properties at the triple-point
      if numComponents == 1
         heos = 'EOS';
         [~,~,~,~,~,T,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'LIMITXdll', heos, 300, 0, 0, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 3, 255);
         if strncmp(RefpropLoadedState.FluidType,'water',5)
            [~,~,T,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'INFOdll', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         if propReq=='t'
            varargout(1) = {T};  %Exit early if only T required, not all fluids work at Ttrp.
         [~,~,~,~,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TQFLSHdll', T, 0, z, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
%        [~,~,~,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName, 'SATTdll', T, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, herr, 255);
        error('Triple point not known for mixtures');
    case 'm'
       % Properties at (Tmax,pmax)
       heos = 'EOS';
       [~,~,~,~,~,~,T,~,P_rp,~,~] = calllib(libName,'LIMITXdll', heos, 300, 0, 0, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 3, 255);
       [~,~,~,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TPFLSHdll', T, P_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
    case '0'
       % Get the version number of REFPROP
       [~,~,~,~,ierr,~] = calllib(libName,'SETUPdll',-1,char(32*ones(1,255)),char(32*ones(1,255)),char(32*ones(1,3)),0,char(32*ones(1,255)),10000,255,3,255);
       error('Provided value 1 is not P, T, H, S, U, D, C, R, or M');

switch propTyp2
    case 'p'
        P_rp = propVal2;
    case 'd'
        D_rp = propVal2 * 1e-3 / molw;
    case 'h'
        h = propVal2 * molw;
    case 's'
        s = propVal2 * molw;
    case 'u'
        e = propVal2 * molw;
    case 'q'
        q = propVal2;
      if (propTyp1 ~= 'c' && propTyp1 ~= 'r' && propTyp1 ~= 'm' )
        error('Provided value 2 is not P, H, S, U, Q, or D');
      propTyp2 = ' ';

% Call Appropriate REFPROP Flash Function According to Provided Property Types
if ((propTyp1 == 'p') && (propTyp2 == 'd')) || ((propTyp2 == 'p') && (propTyp1 == 'd'))
    [~,~,~,T,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PDFLSHdll',P_rp, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
elseif ((propTyp1 == 'p') && (propTyp2 == 'h')) || ((propTyp2 == 'p') && (propTyp1 == 'h'))
    if phaseFlag==0
        [~,~,~,T,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PHFLSHdll',P_rp, h, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        [~,~,~,~,T,D_rp,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PHFL1dll',P_rp, h, z, phaseFlag, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
elseif ((propTyp1 == 'p') && (propTyp2 == 't')) || ((propTyp2 == 'p') && (propTyp1 == 't'))
    if phaseFlag==0
        [~,~,~,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TPFLSHdll', T, P_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        [~,~,~,~,~,D_rp,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TPRHOdll', T, P_rp, z, phaseFlag, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
elseif ((propTyp1 == 'h') && (propTyp2 == 'd')) || ((propTyp2 == 'h') && (propTyp1 == 'd'))
    [~,~,~,T,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'DHFLSHdll', D_rp, h, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
elseif ((propTyp1 == 't') && (propTyp2 == 'd')) || ((propTyp2 == 't') && (propTyp1 == 'd'))
    if phaseFlag==0
        % Do a "blind" flash evaluation
        [~,~,~,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TDFLSHdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        % Just use the given density to calculate everything else; evaluate the EOS directly
        [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
elseif ((propTyp1 == 't') && (propTyp2 == 'h')) || ((propTyp2 == 't') && (propTyp1 == 'h'))
    [~,~,~,~,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'THFLSHdll', T, h, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
    switch propTyp2
        case 's'
            switch propTyp1
                case 't'
                    [~,~,~,~,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TSFLSHdll', T, s, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'p'
                    [~,~,~,T,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PSFLSHdll', P_rp, s, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'h'
                    [~,~,~,T,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'HSFLSHdll', h, s, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'd'
                    [~,~,~,T,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'DSFLSHdll', D_rp, s, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'u'
                    [~,~,~,T,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'ESFLSHdll', e, s, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        case 'u'
            switch propTyp1
                case 't'
                    [~,~,~,~,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TEFLSHdll', T, e, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'p'
                    [~,~,~,T,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PEFLSHdll', P_rp, e, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'd'
                    [~,~,~,T,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'DEFLSHdll', D_rp, e, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                    error('HU not a supported combination');
        case 'q'
            switch propTyp1
                case 't'
                    [~,~,~,~,P_rp,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TQFLSHdll', T, q, z, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
                case 'p'
                    [~,~,~,~,T,D_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'PQFLSHdll', P_rp, q, z, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, herr, 255);
%                case 'd'
%                    [~,~,~,~,T,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'DQFL2dll', D_rp, q, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, herr, 255);
                    error('HQ or DQ are not supported combinations');

if (ierr > 0)

if contains(propReq,'g') || contains(propReq,'n')
    if q>0 && q<1
        error('Heating value routines not valid for 2-phase states')
    [~,~,~,hg,hn,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'HEATdll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,herr,255);
    if (ierr ~= 0)

if contains(propReq,'v') || contains(propReq,'l') || contains(propReq,'$') || contains(propReq,'%') || contains(propReq,'^')
    if q>0 && q<1
        error('Transport routines not valid for 2-phase states')
    [~,~,~,eta,tcx,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'TRNPRPdll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,herr,255);
    if (ierr ~= 0)

% Construct Return Vector
% To add more property choices, just add a new case to this structure and
% follow the examples below.
for i = 1:length(propReq)
    switch propReq(i)
    case 't'
        varargout(i) = {T};
    case 'p'
        varargout(i) = {P_rp};
    case 'h'
        varargout(i) = {h/molw};
    case 's'
        varargout(i) = {s/molw};
    case 'u'
        varargout(i) = {e/molw};
    case 'd'
        varargout(i) = {D_rp*1e3*molw};
    case 'z'
        varargout(i) = {P_rp/D_rp/T/8.314472e0};
    case 'm'
        varargout(i) = {molw*1e3};
    case 'g'
        varargout(i) = {hg/molw};
    case 'n'
        varargout(i) = {hn/molw};
    case '+'
        [~,~,xmolw] = calllib(libName,'XMASSdll',x,zeros(1,numComponents),0);
        varargout(i) = {Dl*xmolw};
    case '-'
        [~,~,ymolw] = calllib(libName,'XMASSdll',y,zeros(1,numComponents),0);
        varargout(i) = {Dv*ymolw};
    case 'q'
        if ((q <= 0) || (q >= 1))
            varargout(i) = {q};
            [~,wmol] = calllib(libName,'WMOLdll',y,0);
            varargout(i) = {q*wmol*1e-3/molw};
    case 'x'
        [~,x_kg,~] = calllib(libName,'XMASSdll',x,zeros(1,numComponents),0);
        [~,y_kg,~] = calllib(libName,'XMASSdll',y,zeros(1,numComponents),0);
%       varargout(i) = {[x_kg ;y_kg]};
        if length(propReq)>1
            error('Only one input is allowed when using property input X since two outputs are returned (liquid and vapor compositions).');
        varargout(i) = {x_kg'};
        varargout(i+1) = {y_kg'};
    case 'f'
        if ((q < 0) || (q > 1))
           [~,~,~,f] = calllib(libName,'FGCTYdll',T,D_rp,z,zeros(1,numComponents));
           %Liquid and vapor fugacties are identical, use liquid phase here
           [~,~,~,f] = calllib(libName,'FGCTYdll',T,Dl,x,zeros(1,numComponents));
        varargout(i) = {f'};
    case 'i'
        if ((q >= 0) && (q <= 1))
            [~,~,~,~,~,sigma,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'SURTENdll',T,Dl,Dv,x,y,0,0,herr,255);
            if (ierr ~= 0)
            varargout(i) = {sigma};
            error('Surface tension can only be calculated for saturated conditions.');
    case 'e'
        if numComponents > 1
            error('dP/dT (sat) not supported for mixtures');
        [~,~,~,~,~,~,dpdtSat,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'DPTSATKdll',1,T,1,0,0,0,0,0,herr,255);
        varargout(i) = {dpdtSat};
    case 'y'
        if numComponents > 1
            error('Heat of Vaporization not supported for mixtures');
        [~,~,~,P_rp,Dl,Dv,x,y,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName, 'SATTdll', T, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, zeros(1,numComponents), zeros(1,numComponents), 0, herr, 255);
        if (ierr ~= 0)
        [~,~,~,~,~,hl,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, Dl, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        [~,~,~,~,~,hv,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, Dv, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        varargout(i) = {(hv-hl)/molw};
    case '['
        [~,~,rho_molL,~,~] = calllib(libName,'LIQSPNDLdll', T, z, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        varargout(i) = {rho_molL*molw*1000}; % (mol/L)*(kg/mol)*(1000 L/m^3)
    case ']'
        [~,~,rho_molL,~,~] = calllib(libName,'VAPSPNDLdll', T, z, 0, 0, herr, 255);
        varargout(i) = {rho_molL*molw*1000}; % (mol/L)*(kg/mol)*(1000 L/m^3)
    case '{'
        [~,~,~,dielec] = calllib(libName,'DIELECdll', T, D_rp, z, 0);
        varargout(i) = {dielec}; % [no units]

        if (q>0 && q<1)
            error('Property not available for 2-phase states.');
            switch propReq(i)
            case 'c'
                varargout(i) = {cp/molw};
            case 'o'
                varargout(i) = {cv/molw};
            case 'k'
                varargout(i) = {cp/cv};
            case 'a'
                varargout(i) = {w};
            case 'v'
                varargout(i) = {eta*1e-6};
            case 'l'
                varargout(i) = {tcx};
            case 'b'
                [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~,~,~,~,~,beta,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM2dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {beta};
            case 'w'
                [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,drhodT,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM2dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {drhodT*molw*1000};
            case 'j'
                [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,hjt] = calllib(libName,'THERMdll', T, D_rp, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                varargout(i) = {hjt};
            case 'r'
                [~,~,~,drhodP] = calllib(libName,'DDDPdll', T, D_rp, z, 0);
                varargout(i) = {drhodP*molw*1000};
            case '!'
                [~,~,~,~,~,dhdd_t,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'DHD1dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dhdd_t/molw/molw/1000};
            case '@'
                [~,~,~,dhdt_d,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'DHD1dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dhdt_d/molw};
            case '*'
                [~,~,~,~,~,~,~,dhdp_t,~] = calllib(libName,'DHD1dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dhdp_t/molw};
            case '('
                [~,~,~,~,dhdt_p,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'DHD1dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dhdt_p/molw};
            case '&'
                [~,~,~,~,~,~,dhdd_p,~,~] = calllib(libName,'DHD1dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dhdd_p/molw/molw/1000};
            case '#'
                [~,~,~,P_rp,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,dPT,~,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM2dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {dPT};
            case ')'
                [~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,bs,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM3dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {bs};
            case '='
                [~,~,~,xkappa,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM3dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {xkappa};
            case '|'
                [~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,xkkt,~,~,~] = calllib(libName,'THERM3dll',T,D_rp,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
                varargout(i) = {xkkt};
            case '$'
                varargout(i) = {eta/D_rp/molw/100/1000};
            case '%'
                varargout(i) = {tcx/D_rp/cp*10};
            case '^'
                varargout(i) = {eta*cp/tcx/molw/1000/1000};
            case '~'
                v = 0;
                [~,~,~,~,cs,~,~,~,~,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'CSTARdll',T,P_rp,v,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,herr,255);
                varargout(i) = {cs};
            case '`'
                v = 0;
                [~,~,~,~,cs,~,~,~,~,ierr,errTxt] = calllib(libName,'CSTARdll',T,P_rp,v,z,0,0,0,0,0,0,herr,255);
                tmf = 1000*cs*P_rp*sqrt(molw/8.3144621/T);
                varargout(i) = {tmf};
            case '0'
                [~,~,~,~,ierr,~] = calllib(libName,'SETUPdll',-1,char(32*ones(1,255)),char(32*ones(1,255)),char(32*ones(1,3)),0,char(32*ones(1,255)),10000,255,3,255);
                error('Unknown property type requested.');
    if (ierr > 0)

function proto = get_header_path()
    % Systematic lookup method to find possible header file
    % Start with the BasePath, then look through unix standard places
    % and end by looking in MATLAB path.
    % If a prototype file is needed (deployment of compiled code or usage
    % on computers with no valid compilers for MATLAB), run the following
    % command:
    % >> loadlibrary('REFPRP64.dll', 'REFPROP.h', 'mfilename', 'rp_proto64.m')
    if exist('rp_proto64', 'file')
        if nargin(@rp_proto64) == 0
           proto = @rp_proto64;
            proto = @() rp_proto64(BasePath);
    elseif ~isdeployed
        if exist(strcat(BasePath,REFPROP_header), 'file')
            proto = strcat(BasePath,REFPROP_header);
        elseif exist(strcat('/usr/include/',REFPROP_header), 'file')
            proto = strcat('/usr/include/',REFPROP_header);
        elseif exist(strcat('/usr/local/include/',REFPROP_header), 'file')
            proto = strcat('/usr/local/include/',REFPROP_header);
        elseif exist(REFPROP_header, 'file')
            proto = REFPROP_header;
            error('Could not find header file for loading library')
        error('Could not find header file for loading library')

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Where did you put your fluids and mixtures folders and .so files?

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

They were in a directory that I created of this form: '/home/mschmeid/REFPROP/refprop' This is where I made the refpropm call from.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

You need to move it up one folder, with refprop name (not REFPROP), but your refpropm can be wherever you want, so long as its on the MATLAB path

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

Okay so this is the directory which is '/home/mschmeid/refprop': image And this is the error I get: image

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Hmm. That seems ok. Can you uncomment this:

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

I uncommented and matlab encounters a fatal error and crashes.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Well that's not good... What compiler did you use to compile?

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

MATLAB's support for shared libraries is why this refpropm solution is deprecated...

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

Sorry I actually get an error now: image

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

How many different inputs do you use in refpropm? Another solution is to write a shim function that calls into the much more robust Python interface.

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

Always the most basic of this form: X=refpropm('ABCD','P',101,'Q','0','water')

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Only ever PQ inputs?

mschmeid commented 2 years ago

No those inputs will vary but I never need to specify mixture components or anything.

ianhbell commented 2 years ago

Then I would write a function yourself (also called refpropm) that uses the same calling structure but actually calls the Python interface.