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Details about the values in GPA-2145 and how they were obtained #259

Closed EricLemmon closed 4 years ago

EricLemmon commented 4 years ago

The Gas Processors Association (GPA) has a document numbered GPA-2145 (from 2016) that reports thermodynamic properties for most fluids of interest to this community. The first half of the document reports the values in U.S. customary units (formally known as English units) and the second half reports the values in SI units. The tables in the first half of the document have a few entries that might be difficult to understand and how they were calculated. To help explain these, it is easier to start with the values in the SI section and then return to the first section (see the next post in this issue).

GPA-2145 was developed with the use of the most accurate equations of state available at the time it was published. These equations are available in the Refprop program of NIST, and the calculations were done through the Excel spreadsheet that comes with the program, and which was designed to directly link to the Refprop DLL to obtain the properties requested. For fluids not available in this program, a link was established with the TDE program from a group in our division called TRC (Thermodynamic Research Center). The TDE program contains a vast amount of experimental data taken from the literature and gives estimates of properties based on these data. When an equation of state is available, their calculations are based on that equation (through the Refprop DLL link).

I've pasted a picture from Refprop for hexane at 15 C and 0.101325 MPa below, along with a snapshot of the values from GPA 2145. Aside from the last digit, the numbers between the program and 2145 are nearly the same. Under the Options/Properties menu and then under the Special tab is an option for the ideal gas density. That is also included in the table below. If you multiply the heating values by the ideal gas density, you will then get the last two items in the GPA table.



EricLemmon commented 4 years ago

Calculation of heating values in U.S. customary units and understanding what exactly is shown in GPA-2145 is substantially more difficult than those in SI for multiple reasons, including:

  1. Some of the properties in the first section (U.S. units) of GPA-2145 are only there for historical reasons. Others are not always clear about their meaning, such as “Fuel as Ideal Gas (Btu/gal)”.
  2. Some values are based on a pressure of 14.73 psia and others on 14.696 psia. One has to be careful to read the appendix to understand which is used.
  3. U.S. customary units are often rounded to different significant figures depending on the source reporting the factors.
  4. 60 F is NOT equal to 15 C, but rather 15.555555… C (15 C is exactly equal to 59 F). A user's comparisons between the U.S. section and the SI section will show slight differences, where these differences could be due to either the Btu to J conversion value, the change from 14.73 psia to 1 atm (14.696 psia), or the enthalpy difference between 59 F and 60 F.
  5. Contracts for buying/selling natural gas often use standard conditions of 60 F and 14.73 psia, but some of the volumetric heating values in the table use a pressure base of 14.696 psia.
  6. There are multiple definitions for some properties, such as:
Btu Units SI Units Conversion value
British thermal unit(IT) (BtuIT) joule (J) 1055.056
British thermal unit(th) (Btuth) joule (J) 1054.350
British thermal unit (mean) (Btu) joule (J) 1055.87
British thermal unit (39 ºF) (Btu) joule (J) 1059.67
British thermal unit (59 ºF) (Btu) joule (J) 1054.80
British thermal unit (60 ºF) (Btu) joule (J) 1054.68

Some useful links with additional details:

Conversion Corresponding Btu variant
1 cal(th) = 4.184 J 1 Btu(th) = 1054.35026448889 J
1 cal(IT) = 4.1868 J 1 Btu(IT) = 1055.05585262000 J

All properties in Refprop and thus GPA 2145 are based on equations of state that use the SI unit system. Values in GPA-2145 were converted to the U.S. system with the use of exact conversion values, and thus the loss of digits is not an issue. The following exact conversion values form the basis for all others (these lines were taken directly from the code):

CtoK = 273.15 FtoR = 459.67 RtoK = 5/9 ATMtoMPa = 0.101325 KGFtoN = 9.80665 INtoM = 0.0254 LBMtoKG = 0.45359237

These are then used to obtain all other conversion values:

BTUtoKJ=CALtoJ LBMtoKG RtoK LBFtoN=LBMtoKG KGFtoN IN3toM3=INtoM3 FT3toM3=FTtoM3 GALLONtoM3=IN3toM3 231 PSIAtoMPA=LBMtoKG / INtoM / INtoM KGFtoN / 1000000 FTLBFtoJ = FTtoM LBFtoN

EricLemmon commented 4 years ago

An example of how the properties were obtained and the complications involved is given here, with hexane used as the fluid. From the U.S. customary units section of GPA-2145 (2016), the heating values are:


Properties in the publication were taken from the Refprop program of NIST, which in turn is based on the most accurate equations of state available. To compare calculated values between the program and the GPA publication, you will first need to select the “steam conversion” in the Options/Preferences as explained in the previous post:


Then under the Options/Properties menu, select the values shown below:


Under Options/Units press the button labeled “English”. Then bring up a calculation table under Calculate/Specified State Points. Enter 60 for temperature and 14.73 for pressure on the first line. Then enter 60 again on the second line with a pressure of 14.696. Go back to the units page and select “gal” instead of “ft3”. Load a second calculation table and enter the same values as in the first.


The number for the first entry in the GPA document for “Gross Heating Value, Fuel as Liquid (Btu/lbm)” is the same as the 5th column in the picture above, along with the next two items (aside from slight round-off). The first Net Heating Value is the same as the values in the 8th column of the picture.

The two GPA values with “Btu/ft3” are obtained by multiplying by the ideal gas density value given in lbm/ft3 at 14.696 psi, NOT 14.73 psia, as explained in the 2145 appendix.

The fuel as ideal gas value given in Btu/gal is the most confusing of them all. It is not simply the one above it in the table multiplied by a conversion factor from ft3 to gallon, but rather it is the one labeled “Fuel as Ideal gas (Btu/lbm)” times the liquid density at 60 F and 14.696 psia, which can be obtained under the “Density (lbm/gal)” row in the GPA document, and which is also the same as that shown in the Refprop picture.

But why use the ideal gas density? This is an extremely important issue because at 14.696 psia the heavier hydrocarbons are liquid at that pressure. One might be tempted to use the density of the saturated vapor, but that means dodecane with a saturated vapor density of 0.000035 lbm/ft3 would be extremely in error for any property based on volume. Metastable vapor densities could also be used, but many of the equations of state that are more than 20 years old have poor extrapolation behavior into the two-phase (and many people don’t understand what metastable means in the first place).

The use of ideal gas densities most definitely has an impact on the heating value. For hexane, the difference in density between a metastable real gas value at 60 F and 14.696 psia differs from the ideal gas value by nearly 10%! For butane, the last hydrocarbon to remain a vapor at 14.696 psia, the difference between the real gas value and the ideal gas density is 3.4%. This is all eliminated with the use of mass for the energy content instead of volume.

If the wrong joule to calorie conversion value is used, the value of 20943 Btu/lbm for hexane changes to 20958, or a 0.066% error. If your uncertainty budget is 0.1%, this error results in 66% of the allowed uncertainty for trading with someone outside the U.S. who uses SI.