usnistgov / VoterRecordsInterchange

Common data format specification for voter records interchange data
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Record Voter Participation #10

Closed JDziurlaj closed 5 years ago

JDziurlaj commented 5 years ago

This issue describes proposed modifications to the VRI specification to support Voter Participation data. What constitute voter participation will be jurisdiction dependent, some jurisdictions will only consider voters who voted a countable ballot in an election, while others may include any attempt to vote, for example voting a provisional ballot that was determined to be uncountable, et cetra.


A VoterRecord (i.e. from a lookup request) may contain 0..* VoterParticipation objects, each representing an Election that voter participated in, and optionally the BallotStyle (and possibly the Party, in closed primaries) they were issued. The VoterParticipation class optionally supports association with a ReportingUnit, i.e. for reporting the actual Polling Location used.