usnistgov / fipy

FiPy is a Finite Volume PDE solver written in Python
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> I see. It looks like Itasca 5 was last updated in mid-2019. I assume they have their reasons for both embedding FiPy and not updating it in a recently-supported version. If they're running a Python interpreter, it should be possible for you to manually update FiPy, but you'd need to ask the Itasca developers how to do that. #903

Closed chenyong97-cloud closed 1 year ago

chenyong97-cloud commented 1 year ago
          > I see. It looks like Itasca 5 was last updated in mid-2019. I assume they have their reasons for both embedding FiPy and not updating it in a recently-supported version. If they're running a Python interpreter, it should be possible for you to manually update FiPy, but you'd need to ask the Itasca developers how to do that.

I tried Mr. Furtney solution way, that pass this error and I'm now facing with new error which, I think, is related to my windows variables ... .

OK, what is the new error?

Dear Dr.Guyer: Now I am also troubled by the same problem. I wonder if you can help me find a solution.

When I input the code(with Mr. Furtney solution way) in the attachment in PFC6.0 (the software has built-in version 3.6.1 of Ipython), the following error message appears:

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) C:\Program Files\Itasca\PFC600\exe64\python36\lib\site-packages\fipy\meshes\ in read(self) 793 ghostsData, --> 794 facesData) = self._parseElementFile() 795

C:\Program Files\Itasca\PFC600\exe64\python36\lib\site-packages\fipy\meshes\ in _parseElementFile(self) 1123 geometricalEntity) = _parseTags(offset=faceOffset, -> 1124 currLineInts=currLineInts) 1125 currLineInts[0] -= faceOffset

C:\Program Files\Itasca\PFC600\exe64\python36\lib\site-packages\fipy\meshes\ in _parseTags(offset, currLineInts) 1052 -> 1053 numTags = currLineInts[2] 1054 tags = currLineInts[3:(3+numTags)]

IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

PermissionError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 41 Surface Loop(33) = {27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32}; 42 Volume(34) = {33}; ---> 43 ''' % locals()) 44 C:\Program Files\Itasca\PFC600\exe64\python36\lib\site-packages\fipy\meshes\ in __init__(self, arg, communicator, order, background) 1942 self.cellGlobalIDs, 1943 self.gCellGlobalIDs, -> 1944 self._orderedCellVertexIDs_data) = 1945 1946 self.mshFile.close() C:\Program Files\Itasca\PFC600\exe64\python36\lib\site-packages\fipy\meshes\ in read(self) 851 finally: 852 os.unlink(self.nodesPath) --> 853 os.unlink(self.elemsPath) 854 if self.namesPath is not None: 855 os.unlink(self.namesPath) PermissionError: [WinError 32] Another program is using this file, and the process cannot access it : 'C:\\Users\\chenyong\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpvgib8l76Elements' []( []( _Originally posted by @chenyong97-cloud in
guyer commented 1 year ago

Itasca is not our software and, as you quoted, they apparently embed a four year old version of FiPy. Current FiPy does not raise an error on this mesh.

Please contact Itasca for support.

chenyong97-cloud commented 1 year ago

Itasca is not our software and, as you quoted, they apparently embed a four year old version of FiPy. Current FiPy does not raise an error on this mesh.

Please contact Itasca for support.

Thank you very much, Dr.Guyer. Best wishes!