usnistgov / iheos-toolkit2

XDS Toolkit
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sips formatcode and mimetypes #600

Closed oliveregger closed 3 months ago

oliveregger commented 3 months ago

this adds the format codes we would like to use for sIPS testing at the EU CAT 2024

skbhaskarla commented 3 months ago

@oliveregger @stl-steve-moore I have merged PR #600 into the develop branch file and updated some test metadata files. Since the updated codes seem to be used by XDS-I tests, I need you to verify the XDS-I metadata files are using the updated codes and not the old ones.

oliveregger commented 3 months ago

Thanks! Looks good to me.

I have question about there (and in the following files) changes from CT to urn:connectathon:bppc:foundational:policy and from Computed Tomography to Foundational Connectathon Read-Access Policy, does this make sense?

    <rim:Classification classificationScheme="urn:uuid:2c6b8cb7-8b2a-4051-b291-b1ae6a575ef4"
           classifiedObject="Document01" nodeRepresentation="CT"
           classifiedObject="Document01" nodeRepresentation="urn:connectathon:bppc:foundational:policy"
        <rim:Slot name="codingScheme">
           <rim:LocalizedString value="Computed Tomography"/>
           <rim:LocalizedString value="Foundational Connectathon Read-Access Policy"/>

I'm not an expert in XDS-I testing, but it will certainly come up, if there will be an issue changing the R-Codes to SNOMED CT, @stl-steve-moore do you know something about htis?

skbhaskarla commented 3 months ago

@oliveregger @stl-steve-moore Good catch! CT Code Coding scheme 1.2.840.10008.2.6.1 is not right in the metadata files, it should be 1.2.840.10008.2.16.4. So when I ran the automatic tool, it detected an inconsistent value and simply replaced the code with something else. Can someone fix the metadata files? Thanks

oliveregger commented 3 months ago

oliveregger commented 3 months ago

i made PR for the develop branch