usnistgov / jsip

JSIP: Java SIP specification Reference Implementation (moved from
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Javadoc generation failure #12

Open bodunov opened 8 years ago

bodunov commented 8 years ago

Not possible to generate Javadoc (due to (c) copyright sign in the comments):

[javadoc] jsip/src/javax/sip/ error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8 [javadoc] * Copyright � 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. [javadoc] ^

[javadoc] Loading source files for package javax.sip.message... [javadoc] 100 errors

If using Java 8...

bodunov commented 8 years ago

It can be fixed by adding "-Xdoclint:none" to "additionalparam" and "encoding="${source.encoding}"" to "javadoc" target.. so that it looks like this:

<javadoc packagenames="javax.sip.*,javax.sip.header.*,javax.sip.message.*,javax.sip.address.*,gov.nist.javax.sip.*,gov.nist.javax.sip.address.*,gov.nist.javax.sip.message.*,gov.nist.javax.sip. header.*,gov.nist.javas.sip.header.ims.*,gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.*,*,gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.*,javax.sdp.*,gov.nist.javax.sdp.*,gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields.*" sourcepath="${srcroot}" overview="${docdir}/overview.html" destdir="javadoc" use="true" splitindex="true" windowtitle="The JAIN-SIP-1.2 RI For the People !" doctitle="NIST-SIP: The Reference Implementation for JAIN-SIP 1.2" public="true" author="true" version="true" defaultexcludes="yes" additionalparam="-breakiterator -Xdoclint:none" encoding="${source.encoding}" >

(not sure if it becomes Java8 specific solution, didn't try with previous versions).

vladimirralev commented 8 years ago

I will check it out. If you want go ahead and do a pull request for merge.